A Reconfigurable Stamping Die and Its Stamping Process

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z5748259
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A reconfigurable flexible poles die was developed.The die can be used to implement the process of “the multi-point pressing and forming sheet”.Sheet metal is restricted by the elastic pressing forces putting on the upper and lower surfaces of sheet in stamping process.The method is an effective way to enhance the buckling critical stresses and reduce wrinkling of sheet.The results of tests indicate that the die can achieve “one die brings multi-purpose” and suppress the wrinkle of sheet.The process of the multi-point pressing and forming sheet provides a practical and effective way for the curved sheet metal forming. A reconfigurable flexible poles die was developed. The die can be used to implement the process of “multi-point pressing and forming sheet”. Sheet metal is restricted by the elastic pressing forces putting on the upper and lower surfaces of sheet in stamping process. The method is an effective way to enhance the buckling critical stresses and reduce wrinkling of sheet. The results of tests that that die can achieve “one die bring multi-purpose ” and suppress the wrinkle of sheet. process of the multi-point pressing and forming sheet provides a practical and effective way for the curved sheet metal forming.
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