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随着信息科技的不断深化和推广,现代社会各方面的发展都会不同程度受到信息传播途径选择、信息掌握水平等因素的影响,职业技能鉴定作为人才能力评估的重要途径,更是受到信息建设的影响,本文为通过网络信息化平台建设推动高职技能鉴定效能的提升,在对技能鉴定网络信息化平台建设和利用的现状进行系统分析的基础上,对利用网络信息化平台提升高职技能鉴定效能的方法展开探讨。 With the continuous deepening and promotion of information technology, the development of all aspects of modern society will be affected by factors such as the choice of information dissemination channels and the level of information mastery to varying degrees. Occupational skill appraisal as an important way to evaluate talent ability is subject to information construction Influence, this article through to promote the construction of network information platform to promote the vocational skills appraisal efficiency, based on the analysis of the status quo of the construction and use of skills identification network information platform, based on the use of network information platform to enhance vocational skills identification Effective ways to explore.
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