山东省莱州市下辖17个镇街、978个行政村,共有生产经营单位2万0 883家,涉及矿山、危险化学品、烟花爆竹、冶金有色、建筑施工、民爆物品、海上运输、渔业生产、铁路、特种设备等多个行业领域,其中由安监部门直接监管的矿山35家(地下矿山12家、露天矿山23家)、尾矿库8座,危化品
Laizhou City, Shandong Province, under the jurisdiction of the 17 town streets, 978 administrative villages, a total of 28,083 production units, involving mining, hazardous chemicals, fireworks, metallurgical nonferrous metals, construction, civil explosives, maritime transport, fisheries Production, railway, special equipment and other industries. 35 mines (12 underground mines and 23 open mines) directly under the supervision of safety supervision departments, 8 tailings mines, and hazardous chemicals