
来源 :农田水利与小水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ten_wang
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唐河灌区总干渠长40.78公里,总干渠上有大小闸门64处,计83孔。其中干、支渠口门17处,计23孔。节制闸9处,计31孔。退水及穿渠闸11处,26孔。总计2米宽以上的闸门就有80扇,全部为钢丝网水泥闸门,控制 The main canal of Tanghe Irrigation District is 40.78 kilometers in length, with 64 gates of gate and gate in total trunk canal, accounting for 83 holes. Among them dry branch canal 17, 23 holes. Control gate 9, accounting for 31 holes. Recession and drainage barrier 11, 26 holes. A total of 80 meters above the gate of 2 meters wide, all for the steel mesh gate, control
4月初上市的中国石油最近开始把公开发售原始股募集的29亿美元资金分配给油气勘探开发项目及偿还债务。其中勘探开发投资为17亿美元,偿还债务资金为12亿美元。 PetroChina,
Jointly edited by the Automotive Industry Department and China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC), 《China Automotive Industry Yearbook》, a la
In theory, we study the quantum fluctuations of the subharmonic reflected field from a triple-resonant degenerate optical parametric amplifier (OPA) inside an o
For carrying out the Industrial Policy of the Motor Industry, competent authorities concerned are working intensely in the transition from mandatory standards
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油田自动化课是为适应石油工业的发展开设的。要讲授好这门新课 ,必须精选教学内容 ,处理好点与面的关系 ;针对不同专业的特点 ,教学内容要有所侧重 ;要完善教学 ,尽快编写教
采访结束后的用餐时间,赵立新显得挺疲惫,也挺自得。他跟助理的对话中有两句给我留下印象,一句是:“可惜《英雄广场》没时间去看了,记得帮我买这本书。”还有一句是“还是拍电影好,对吗?拍电影可以休息。”  从《大先生》谈起  《大先生》这部戏在北京首演了四天,前后被媒体、戏迷和知识分子讨论了一个月。首演后两周,我采访“大先生”鲁迅的扮演者赵立新,问他何时开始全国巡演,他回答:“之前热情高涨,但现在变得微