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在许多朋友们想来,我们在《轻兵器》工作,必定是天天枪不离手,早把世界上的名枪都玩遍了。其实,我们的真实生活和一般的编辑部没太大分别。尽管接触枪的机会比一般人多一些,但主要是看得多、摸得少,实弹射击仍然比较少。我本人在《轻兵器》近十年了,真正打过的枪也不过十来种而已。话说一日有朋友来,约我们去狩猎场打猎。不禁心中暗喜,之前还从未有过打猎的经历,遂欣欣然前往。狩猎场位于河北逐鹿县一个有名的风景区,唤作灵山。与我同行 Many of my friends came, we work in the “light weapons”, must be gun every day, before the world famous guns are over. Actually, our real life is not much different from that of the general editorial department. Although there are more chances of being exposed to guns than the average person, the main ones are to see more, feel less and fireball attacks are still relatively small. I am in the “light weapons” for nearly a decade, the real shot has only ten kinds of only it. Saying that one day a friend came and asked us to hunt at the hunting ground. Can not help but feel happy, before never had the experience of hunting, Sui Xin pleased to go. Hunting ground is located in a famous scenic spot in the county of Hebei Zhulu, called Lingshan. Walk with me
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With the requirement for complex Web Services steadily increasing, there is a growing interest for reusing basic, existing Web Services to composite new ones. W
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