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最新的统计数据显示,2005年我国沿海主要港口集装箱吞吐量仍保持高速增长的势头,累计吞吐量约6980万TEU,同比增长23.5%。但集装箱产量一改连续多年保持较高速增长的态势,出现首次下降,全年集装箱累计产量7264.42万立方米(折合274.95万TEI),同比下降19.58%。专家认为,由于众多竞争者的加入,集装箱行业竞争会进一步加剧,盈利水平下降,暴利时代一去不复返;但是总体来看,集装箱制造业仍是一个朝阳行业,未来集装箱需求仍将稳定增长。行业竞争加剧自20世纪90年代起至今,中国的贸易增长惊人。2004年由于航运的持续景气,集装箱需求大增,加上原材料价格的推波助澜,集装箱价格上涨幅度较大,集装箱制造厂盈利能力增强。行业景气吸引更多的加入者。2005年马士基并购广东荣高,产能10万标箱;中海集团在连云港新建基地,产能15万标箱;同时,中集也在积极扩充产能。2005年全球集装箱新增产能至少在55万标箱以上,预计到2007年底世界集装箱产能在580万标箱左右。目前全球集装箱产能是实际需求的2倍左右,远远高出正常情况下的1.3倍水平。新增产能幅度超过需求增长幅度,导致集装箱价格从2005年下半年开始逐渐下降。根据机械工业协会的统计,2005年国内集装箱制造厂家64家,比2004年增长6家;2005年全行业亏损企业亏损额7355万元,同比增长28.45%;全行业收入增长13.22%,比 The latest statistics show that in 2005, the container throughput of China’s major coastal ports maintained the momentum of rapid growth with a cumulative throughput of about 69.8 million TEU, up 23.5% over the same period of previous year. However, the output of the container changed for the first time in a row, maintaining a relatively high growth rate for the first time in a row. The total container output for the year was 72,644,200 cubic meters (equivalent to 2,749,500 TEI), a decrease of 19.58% over the same period of previous year. Experts believe that due to the addition of many competitors, the competition in the container industry will further aggravate the profitability of the lost profits gone; but on the whole, the container manufacturing industry is still a sunrise industry, the container demand will continue to grow steadily in the future . Industry competition intensifies Since the 90s of the 20th century up to now, China’s trade growth has been staggering. In 2004, due to the continuous boom of shipping, the surge of container demand and the fickleness of raw material prices, the price of container increased by a large margin and the profitability of container factories was enhanced. Industry boom attracts more subscribers. In 2005, Maersk acquired Ronggao in Guangdong with a production capacity of 100,000 TEU. CS Group built a new base in Lianyungang with a capacity of 150,000 TEU. Meanwhile, CIMC is also actively expanding its production capacity. In 2005, the global new container production capacity will be at least above 0.55 million TEU. It is estimated that by the end of 2007, the world container production will be around 5.8 million TEU. The current global container production capacity is about 2 times the actual demand, far higher than the normal level of 1.3 times. The new production capacity exceeded the demand growth rate, which led to the gradual decline in container prices from the second half of 2005. According to the statistics from the Machinery Industry Association, 64 domestic container manufacturers were established in 2005, an increase of 6 over 2004; the total loss of loss-making enterprises in 2005 was 73.55 million yuan, an increase of 28.45% over the same period of last year; the revenue of the whole industry increased by 13.22%
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2010年上半年,轻工业经济运行呈现出健康发展的良好态势,生产保持快速增长,进出口额大幅提高,就业人数较快增加,效益指标继续提升,轻工业为国民经济发展做出重要贡献。 In t