,The Efficiency of a Small-World Functional Brain Network

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenyuanyuan0929
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We investigate whether the small-world topology of a functional brain network means high information processing efficiency by calculating the correlation between the small-world measures of a functional brain network and behavioral reaction during an imagery task.Functional brain networks are constructed by multichannel eventrelated potential data,in which the electrodes are the nodes and the functional connectivities between them are the edges.The results show that the correlation between small-world measures and reaction time is task-specific,such that in global imagery,there is a positive correlation between the clustering coefficient and reaction time,while in local imagery the average path length is positively correlated with the reaction time.This suggests that the efficiency of a functional brain network is task-dependent.
2010年10月3日,巴拿马总统里卡多·马蒂内利·贝罗卡尔突然发现自己国家的新护照上有一个错误:国徽中有一个十字叉是铁锨和丁字镐,然而这些护照上所印的,却是铁锨和长柄方锤!  国徽出错,对于一个国家来说简直是奇耻大辱,而这个新护照是自己命令修改,并亲自审阅的。更可怕的是,新护照已经投用了4万份!里卡多决定为自己的失误负责!  他要求护照管理局用最快的速度把这4万个人的名字打印出来,他要在第二天发表
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