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话说我到编辑部的时间并不长,还算不上入门。然而,也实实在在的尝到了编辑的滋味。 编辑部,咋听起来总是带有几分诱惑,待到你真的入了其中,也就没了虚幻,反倒跟着平添了几分苦涩。 专业之繁复、理论之深奥自不必说。光有文才不够,还要专长。专医道、懂科技、识医学期刊之特征、视科学真理为生命,要的是标新立异、真知灼见;求的是独树一帜、硕果累累。 谁人能说,想干就干,说干就行?游心书海、上下求索,泛舟百科、乐而忘忧。始终要练就那“一叶知秋”的睿智和“一语中的”的本领,还有那“慧眼识珠”的能耐。 再说国有国法,家有家规。编辑有规范,编排有规则。大到方针政策,小到标点符号。单说那作者熟悉的:关键词索引、计量单位使用、图表格式、参考文献著录、数字书写方法、外文字母的正斜体等等,一旦准备刊用,就得依了这些条条框框。来不得半点虚假,更不能百花齐放。对这些清规戒律,做编辑首先要字字斟酌、条条消化,再吐丝做茧,圆了自我。 审理一篇立论准确、层次分明、言简意赅、修辞考究的文稿,着实是一种享受,从心里往外觉着舒坦。若能从中撷取一点闪光的东西,顿时都会多上几分神采。这叫“甜蜜”——编辑的甘味。也正应了“文章看落笔,论议驰后先;破石出自宝,决高泻长川”的佳句。 Saying that I did not go to the editorial department for a long time did not really matter. However, it really tasted the taste of the editor. The editorial department, ye always sounds always with a bit of temptation until you really into them, there is no illusion, but added a bit followed by bitter. Sophisticated professional, abstruse theory Needless to say. Literary talent is not enough, but also expertise. Expertise Road, understand science and technology, knowledge of medical journals, depending on the truth of science as life, want is unconventional, insightful; seeking is unique, fruitful. Who can say, want to do the job, said dry on the line? Youxin book sea, from top to bottom quests, rafting Encyclopedia, music and forgetfulness. We must always practice the wisdom of “knowing what one knows” and the ability of “one of the words” as well as the ability of “knowing the beads”. Say state-owned country law, family house rules. Edit the norms, choreography rules. Big policy, small punctuation. Single said that the author is familiar with: keyword index, the use of units of measurement, chart format, reference bibliography, digital writing methods, foreign alphabets are italic, etc., once prepared for publication, you have to follow these rules. To the slightest false, not to blossom. The rules and regulations of these rules, the editor must first word to consider, Article digest, and then silk cocoon, round the self. To hear a manuscript with an accurate, clearly structured, concise, concise, and rhetorical approach is really a treat and feels comfortable from the outside. If you can get a little flash out of something, suddenly more than a bit on the look. This is called “Sweetness” - edited by the sweet taste. It is also the “articles look down, on the Chi Chi after the first; broken stone from treasure, high diarrhea Changchuan” Sentence.
目的观察促红细胞生成素(EPO)对帕金森病(PD)模型大鼠的保护作用并探讨其机制。方法实验大鼠分为3组,1 PD组:6-羟基多巴(6-OHDA)定向注射至右侧前脑内侧束建立PD模型;2 EPO组