The Most Valuable Stones in the World

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They sparkle and glitter in thelight.No other rocks are sohard.They are very valu-able.It might cost thousands and thou-sands of dollars to buy just one.Mostare found in the ground.The largest oneever discovered is as big as a man’sfist.But most are tiny.They’re diamonds!For hundreds of years men haverisked their lives searching for dia-monds.To many the discovery of this They sparkle and glitter in thelight .No other rocks are sohard. They are very valu-able .It might cost thousands and thou-sands of dollars to buy just one.Mostare found in the ground.The largest oneever discovered is as big as a man’sfist.But most are tiny.They’re diamonds! For hundreds of years men haverisked their lives searching for dia-monds.To many the discovery of this
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