Discussions about Modern Standardized Production of Genuine Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vrace_zh
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In recent years,with the vigorous development of the Chinese herbal medicine market in China,the government and various circles of society pay close attention to the safety of Chinese herbal medicine production. The cultivation and production of traditional Chinese herbal medicine already could not satisfy the current market demands. This paper summarized the forming,changing and the influencing factors of Chinese herbal medicines,and organized the research for the formation of traditional Chinese herbal medicines by modern scholars in China. It reached the following conclusion: the production of modern Chinese herbal medicines should ensure its unique properties,and the more important is to guarantee the quality and safety. With the continuous improvement of science and technology innovation ability and the appraisal method of Chinese medicines,the better management system has been applied in the process of planting. This paper summarized the six attributes of modern production of Chinese herbal medicines,to ensure genuine,safe and standardized production of traditional Chinese medicines. In recent years, with the vigorous development of the Chinese herbal medicine market in China, the government and various circles of society pay close attention to the safety of Chinese herbal medicine production. The cultivation and production of traditional Chinese herbal medicine already could not satisfy the current paper demands. This paper summarizes the forming, changing and the influencing factors of Chinese herbal medicines, and organized the research for the formation of traditional Chinese herbal medicines by modern scholars in China. It reached the following conclusion: the production of modern Chinese herbal medicines should ensure its unique properties, and the more important is to guarantee the quality and safety. With the continuous improvement of science and technology innovation ability and the appraisal method of Chinese medicines, the better management system has been applied in the process of planting. This paper summarized the six attributes of modern production of Chi nese herbal medicines, to ensure genuine, safe and standardized production of traditional Chinese medicines.
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