Effect of anions on preparation of ultrafine α-Al2O3 powder

来源 :中南工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mongtianxu
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Ultrafine alumina power was obtained by calcining the precursor at 1 200 ℃C for 2 h, which was prepared by homogeneous precipitation method using aluminium salts and urea as raw materials. The effects of anions on the morphology, particle size, surface area and configuration of the precursors were studied. The results show that the reactions of urea with aluminium nitrate and aluminium chloride result in agglomerates gels with bad filtering performance, the morphology is fibrillar. Aluminium sulphate-urea reactions result in the direct formation of amorphous powders with good filtering performance, of which morphology are regular spherical particles with larger granularity and smaller surface area. The reaction of mutual compound of aluminium sulphate and aluminium nitrate with molar ratio of 40:60 with urea can produce precursor with good filtering performance, spherical morphology,and uniform granularity distribution in the particle size range of 2-3 μm.
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