
来源 :干旱地区农业研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plxu
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在豫西半干旱地区洛宁采用密度和施氮量2因素裂区设计,研究了不同种植密度和氮用量对豫西地区烟叶光合有效辐射、光合特性和产量质量的影响。结果表明:(1)随着氮肥和密度的增加,烟株能截获更多的光合有效辐射。随着施氮量的增加烤烟净光合速率增加。高密度和高施肥量会导致烟叶气孔导度变小。(2)从烟叶产量上看,在相同的密度下,烟叶的产量随着施肥量的增加而增加,产量以D3N4处理最高,达3 162 kg/hm2;种植密度对烟叶产量的影响较大,在相同施肥水平下以D3密度平均产量最高,但D3与D2密度除N4施肥水平外产量差异不显著。从产值上分析,在相同施肥水平下以D2密度产值较高,D2N2和D2N4产值分别达到42 148.5元/hm2和42 454.5元/hm2,上等烟比例分别为32.2%和32.8%,烟叶均价以D2N2处理最高,达14.9元/kg。(3)综合分析,在豫西烟区,种植密度以D2密度(16 500株/hm2),氮肥施用量以N2水平(60 kg/hm2)为宜。 In Luoning, a semi-arid area of ​​western Henan, the two-factor design of density and nitrogen application was used to study the effects of different planting densities and nitrogen rates on photosynthetic active radiation, photosynthetic characteristics and yield and quality of tobacco in western Henan. The results showed that: (1) With the increase of nitrogen fertilizer and density, tobacco plants could intercept more photosynthetically active radiation. With the increase of nitrogen application, net photosynthetic rate of flue-cured tobacco increased. High density and high amount of fertilizer will lead to stomatal conductance of tobacco leaves become smaller. (2) From the perspective of leaf yield, the yield of tobacco increased with the increase of fertilizer application under the same density, and the yield was up to 3 162 kg / hm2 with D3N4. The planting density had greater influence on the yield of tobacco, Under the same fertilization level, the average yield of D3 density was the highest, but the yield of D3 and D2 density except N4 fertilization was not significantly different. According to the analysis of output value, the output value of D2 density was higher under the same fertilization level, the output value of D2N2 and D2N4 reached 42 148.5 yuan / hm2 and 42 454.5 yuan / hm2, respectively, and the top tobacco proportions were 32.2% and 32.8% respectively. The highest D2N2 treatment, up to 14.9 yuan / kg. (3) According to the comprehensive analysis, planting density was D2 density (16 500 plants / hm2) and N fertilizer application was 60 kg / hm2 in tobacco growing area of ​​west Henan.
肛瘘是肛肠疾病中的常见病之一,肛瘘是肛周感染的慢性阶段,以间歇性肛周肿块溃破出脓为特征。对于大部分低位肛瘘而言,肛瘘切开切除术可以获得很好的疗效 2 。对于复杂性肛瘘而