
来源 :西部财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leolee
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9月27日上午,一年一度的《西部财会》宣传发行工作座谈会在西安召开。厅党组成员、纪检组长史小平在会上作重要讲话,各市区财政局分管领导、负责宣传发行工作的同志、宣传发行工作先进单位代表和先进个人参加了会议。会上,史小平代表厅党组充分肯定了杂志社近年来的宣传发行工作,并就下一步如何加强各方协调,加强杂志宣传发行工作,提升杂志影响力作了重要讲话。他指出,一是要充分认识办刊工作的重要性。作为改革开放摧生的杂志,《西部财会》成为陕西乃至全国经济社会发展和财政改革事业的历史见证者,始终坚持了为财政中心工作和财政改革服务的办刊宗旨,它是各级政府领导、广大财政干部和社会各界学习财经知识、了解财政工作和财政运行状况的重要载体,对回应社会关切、推动财政改革和发展具有重要的舆论导向和业务指导作用。二是全省财政改革目前正处于攻坚阶段,争取各方面的 On the morning of September 27, the annual seminar on the publicity and issue of the “Western Finance and Accounting” was held in Xi'an. Shi Xiaoping, member of the Party Committee and discipline inspection team leader, made an important speech at the meeting. Leaders from various departments of the municipal finance bureau, comrades responsible for propaganda and distribution work, representatives of advanced units for propaganda and distribution work and individuals attended the meeting. At the meeting, the party group of the representative hall of Shi Xiaoping fully affirmed the magazine's publicity and distribution work in recent years and made an important speech on how to step up coordination among all parties, strengthen the magazine's publicity and publication work, and enhance the magazine's influence. He pointed out: First, we must fully understand the importance of running a newspaper. As a magazine destroying the reform and opening up, the “Western Finance and Accounting” has become the historical witness to the cause of economic and social development and financial reform in Shaanxi and the whole country. It has always adhered to the principle of running a service for the financial center and financial reform. It is the goal of all levels of government leaders , The vast majority of financial cadres and all sectors of society to learn financial and economic knowledge and understand the financial work and financial performance of an important carrier of social responsibility to respond to and promote financial reform and development has an important role of public opinion and operational guidance. Second, the province's fiscal reform is now at a crucial stage, for all aspects
1927年八七会议后,陈独秀到上 海隐居。因生活困难,加上寂寞难熬,陈独秀埋头写《中国拼音文字草案》。书稿写成后,陈独秀想卖给商务印书馆,于是想到了胡适。 After the Aug
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采访姜文之前,颇有些犯怵。倒不是说他摆明星的架子或者不与人合作,只是因先前读过一些有关他的报道,隐约感到这人身上有点“刺”,不太好“对付”。 在姜文“躲闪”了我的一