Is intra-operative cholangiography necessary during laparoscopic cholecystectomy? A multicentre rura

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinghong_22
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AIM: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in nonteaching rural hospitals of a developing country without intra-operative cholangiography (IOC). To evaluate the possibility of reduction of costs and hospital stay for patients undergoing LC.METHODS: A prospective analysis of patients with symptomatic benign diseases of gall bladder undergoing LC in three non-teaching rural hospitals of Kashmir Valley from Jan 2001 to Jan 2007. The cohort represented a sample of patients requiring LC, aged 13 to 78 (mean 47.2) years. Main outcome parameters included mortality, complications, re-operation, conversion to open procedure without resorting to IOC, reduction in costs borne by the hospital, and the duration of hospital stay.RESULTS: Twelve hundred and sixty-seven patients (976 females/291 males) underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Twenty-three cases were converted to open procedures; 12 patients developed port site infection, nobody died because of the procedure. One patient had common bile duct (CBD) injury, 4 patients had biliary leak, and 4 patients had subcutaneous emphysema. One cholecystohepatic duct was detected and managed intraoperatively, 1 patient had retained CBD stones, while 1 patient had retained cystic duct stones. Incidental gallbladder malignancy was detected in 2 cases. No long-term complications were detected up to now.CONCLUSION: LC can be performed safely even in non-teaching rural hospitals of a developing country provided proper equipment is available and the surgeons and other team members are well trained in the procedure. It is stressed that IOC is not essential to prevent biliary tract injuries and missed CBD stones. The costs to the patient and the hospital can be minimized by using reusable instruments, intracorporeal sutures, and condoms instead of titanium clips and endobags. To evaluate the feasibility and safety of performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in nonteaching rural hospitals of a developing country without intra-operative cholangiography (IOC). To evaluate the possibility of reduction and costs of hospital stay for patients undergoing LC. METHODS: A prospective analysis of patients with symptomatic benign diseases of gall bladder undergoing LC in three non-teaching rural hospitals of Kashmir Valley from Jan 2001 to Jan 2007. The cohort represented a sample of patients requiring LC, aged 13 to 78 (mean 47.2) years Main outcome parameters included mortality, complications, re-operation, conversion to open procedure without resorting to IOC, reduction in costs borne by the hospital, and duration of hospital stay .RESULTS: Twelve hundred and sixty-seven patients (976 females / 291 males) underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Twenty-three cases were converted to open procedures; 12 patients developed port site infection, nobody died beca One patient had common bile duct (CBD) injury, 4 patients had biliary leak, and 4 patients had had subcutaneous emphysema. One cholecystohepatic duct was detected and managed intraoperatively, 1 patient had retained CBD stones, while 1 patient had retained No long-term complications were detected up to now. CONCLUSION: LC can be performed safely even in non-teaching rural hospitals of a developing country provided proper equipment is available and the surgeons and other team members are well trained in the procedure. It is stressed that IOC is not essential to prevent biliary tract injuries and missed CBD stones. The costs to the patient and the hospital can be minimized by using reusable instruments, intracorporeal sutures, and condoms instead of titanium clips and endobags.
社会的发展使越来越多的工作要求先进的技能 ,要求人们能够学习、推理 ,进行创造性的思考 ,做出决定和解决问题 .[4 ] ,因此 ,当今社会不再像以往那样仅仅关注一个人拥有知识
片名:魔法保姆麦克菲Ⅱ  导演:苏珊娜·怀特  主演:艾玛·汤普森等  制片:英国  剧情播报  格林夫人住在一个宁静的小镇上。她的生活并不宁静。丈夫在远方打仗,杳无音信。家里三个淘气鬼每天要将房子掀个底朝天。  孩子的表哥表姐要搬到这里住一段时间。格林夫人想将家里打理得井井有条。她已经将房间整理过六遍了。不过,只要她一转身,房间马上变成了战场。孩子们将水果、枕头、盘子当作炸弹满屋乱扔,或是在床上