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今年“六一”期间,某杂志做了一个特别策划,征稿主题为:“修饰童年”。我对这个题目很感兴趣,就在课余时间把题目告诉了孩子们,希望他们能说出自己心中的感受。或许是童言无忌吧,孩子们都很坦诚,并以不同的方式叙说了自己的内心感受。我翻看着孩子写给我的纸条,一幅刺眼的铅笔画映入我的眼帘:《离婚》,仅这标题就让人心痛。 This year’s “June 1” period, a magazine made a special plan, the theme of the call for: “grooming childhood.” I am very interested in this topic, in the spare time to tell the children the topic, I hope they can tell their own feelings. It may be childish, children are very honest, and narrated in different ways their own feelings. I looked at the note the child had given me, and a dazzling piece of pencil appeared in my eyes: “divorce”, this title alone makes me feel sad.
The Shenhu area on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS) is one of the promising fields for gas hydrate exploitation. The hydrate-bearing
First, we would like to thank Parker for his discussion and comments on our work. Parker’s main concern [1] is that the sea level is oscillating with important
梅劲旅艺术简历1965年生于广东台山市, 先后于广州美术学院油画系及中央美术掌院壁画系结业。现居住广东佛山市,职业画家。 Mei Jin brutal art resume was born in 1965 in
小孩子可真可怜,跟机器人一样,家长让干什么就得千什么,不如买个机器人好了…… Children are so pitiful, just like robots, parents have to do what they should do, it
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