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通过对259户企业18250万元贷款的调查发现,国有商业企业的资金存量要比国有工业企业比例大,小型企业比大型企业的资金存量比例大,集体企业、乡镇企业要比国有企业的资产存量比例大.面对这种经济体制,企业纷纷采取各种形式的产权制度改革,求得生存和发展.经过几年的探索,取得了一定的成就,同时有些问题值得商榷.一.企业产权制度改革的现状1.在现有企业中,尤其是大中型工业企业历史包袱重,产品结构不合理,管理体制适应不了当前的经济形势,而同时厂房、设备.技术力量等又较雄厚,有的有好产品,有的开发出新产品,但由于诸多因素制约,企业生产难以为继,这类企业多数采取是先剥离,后破产,组建新企业的办法以甩掉包袱,轻装前 A survey of loans of 259,500,000 yuan to 259 enterprises found that the state-owned commercial enterprises have a larger stock of capital than state-owned industrial enterprises. Smaller enterprises have a larger proportion of funds than large enterprises, and collective enterprises and township enterprises have more stock than state-owned enterprises. In the face of this economic system, enterprises have adopted various forms of property rights system reforms in order to achieve survival and development. After several years of exploration, we have achieved certain achievements, and at the same time some issues are worth discussing. I. Enterprise property rights system The status quo of the reform 1. Among the existing enterprises, especially the large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, the history is overburdened, the product structure is irrational, and the management system cannot adapt to the current economic situation. At the same time, the plant, equipment and technical force are relatively strong. There are good products and some new products have been developed. However, because of many factors, it is difficult for enterprises to continue their production. Most of these companies take the form of first stripping and bankruptcy. The method of forming a new company is to get rid of baggage, and before light loading.
一个企业的兴衰是由多方面因素决定的,但关键在于人。只有抓住这一环,企业才能内增活力,外增影响力,提高凝聚力,发展生产力,使亏损企业重塑形象,盈利企业再创辉煌。 一、以
现代文阅读分析阐释能力的考查,在试题中体现为以下方式:1.内容的理解,即对文中词、句、段的理解,包括词语内涵的阐释、概 The examination of modern text reading analysi
摘要:通过分析历年信息技术中考试卷,寻找一些共性和个性特征,有利于把握命题的特点和方向,有利于指导今后的教学和中考复习。本文笔者对备考策略进行了总结。  关键词:信息技术中考 新课程 中考试题 备考策略  自2005年开始,淮安市在全省率先将信息技术学科纳入中考,并且信息技术学科考试分数以10分计入中考总分。信息技术考试除了具有“以考促配、以考促管、以考促教、以考促学、以考促发展”的作用外,
国有企业的不断发展壮大,必须依靠科学的发展机制的支撑。研究发展机制,其实就是研究企业的行为目标。企业的行为目标表明企业存在的意义,是企业发展的根本动 The continuo
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