
来源 :中国-东盟博览(政经版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbtcdn
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  “From the 13th to the 14th Five-Year Plan, high-quality development will be the theme of China’s economic and social development,” said Dr. Li Renliang, who comes from the National Institute of Development Administration and Graduate School of Social and Environmental Development in the interview with the reporter from China-Thailand Panorama.
  No clear goal of economic growth has been set in the 14th Five-Year Plan, which is the first time in the history. China no longer pursues the simple growth in number. Instead, China’s economy has been transitioning from the phase of rapid growth to the stage of high-quality development. Meanwhile, a 6% growth has been set as the goal for the economy in 2021 — a relatively high growth rate for China, the world’s second largest economy.
  “High-quality development has been emphasized. According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, priority is no longer the construction of infrastructure but investment in technological innovation and improvement on education, public health, and quality of life,” said Dr. Li.   The technological innovation in the 14th Five-Year Plan mainly includes 4 major strategies. The first one is to enhance the national strategic technological power, constructing a ground-based monitoring network for the space environment, seabed scientific monitoring network and ground simulator for the space environment, etc. The second strategy is to develop world-facing cutting-edge technology such as building the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). The third is to commercialize scientific and technological outcomes such as the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) and the efficient low carbon gas turbine, etc. The last one is improving people’s well-being through technologies in medical research, cross-scale biomedical science, phenotypic study on the heredity of animal models and Seismological Science, etc.
  “In the past, China did well in economic expansion and gained considerable economic achievement, which is like developing from 1 to 10. Now, China is off to a new stage. It is getting rid of its dependence on foreign countries in key fields like silicon chips and semi-conductor technology, breaking the technology barrier, which is like undergoing the process of from ‘0 to 1’ breakthrough,” said Dr. Li.
  It is mentioned in the 14th Five-Year Plan that the growth rate of budget in research and development will be 7% on a year-on-year basis, which is quite high. This is likely to further promote the nation’s innovation, along with an increasing number of patent applications. According to the statistics, the number of invention patents per 10,000 people is likely to reach 12 by 2025, increased from 6.3 in 2020.
  Meanwhile, China still lays stress on the digital economy, developing AI technology and telecommunication, expanding the scale of the digital economy and increasing its ratio in China’s economic structure.
  For social development, the 14th Five-Year Plan attaches importance to improving people’s life quality, making the actual growth rate of net income per capita approximately in accordance with the growth rate of GDP. The key measurement is to keep the unemployment rate under 5.5% by 2025.
  The average length of schooling for the working-age population will increase from 10.8 years in 2020 to 11.3 years in 2025, signifying better education for Chinese citizens.
  As for people’s well-being, the number of licensed (assistant) physicians per 1000 people is 2.9 in 2020 with a goal to increase to 3.2 by 2025. The basic old-age insurance participation rate is to increase from 91% in 2020 to 95% by 2025. Aside from these, the average life expectancy is to be 78.3 in 2025, slightly higher than the 77.3 in 2020.   For eco-development, by 2025, energy consumption per unit of GDP and emission of carbon dioxide will respectively decrease by 13.5% and 18%. The nationwide rate of forest cover will reach 24.1%.
  According to Dr. Li, the 14th Five-Year Plan demonstrated China’s determination to promote high-quality development in areas like economy, technology, eco-system, environment, innovation, education and people’s well-being, etc., all of which follows the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 and conducive to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the mid-century.
  China’s economic growth will bring significant opportunities to ASEAN countries including hailand. With China’s economy growing larger and the consumption growing higher, agricultural products like fruit from Thailand will have more opportunities to enter the Chinese market.
  With the economic expansion, China prefers to enhance trade and investment with its ASEAN neighbors over western countries.
  As one of the leaders of world technology, products from China keep projecting their influence to ASEAN countries like Thailand and keep expanding overseas market and increasing overseas investment. China has abundant funds and research ability. Recently, China’s automobile giant, Great Wall Motor and MG of Shanghai Motor have entered the Thai market. A developing, prosperous China will bring more opportunities to the world.
中国与东盟国家自古山水相连,“一带一路”建设连接不同文化实体,突出了文化交流对建立人类命运共同体的重要性。中国—东盟媒体持续创新合作交流方式,努力构建中国—东盟视听节目传播新领域与新平台,为积极推动双方共同讲好中国与东盟繁荣发展故事,深化交流合作、促进民心相通作出积极贡献。  在2020年11月24日举行的中国—东盟电视周系列活动上,我们不仅看到双方再次收获新的合作成果,也听到了来自中国—东盟视听
“钦州完全具备打造国家级石化产业基地的条件,期盼国家支持钦州打造国家级石化产业基地、期盼各位企业家积极参与钦州石化产业发展。”在2020中国—东盟石油和化工国际合作论坛开幕大会上,广西钦州市市長谭丕创这样表达了钦州打造面向东盟的世界级石化基地的恳切期盼和雄心壮志。  近年来,中国在东部沿海地区重点布局七大石化基地,为京津冀协同发展、长江经济带、粤港澳大湾区等国家战略实施提供了强有力的支撑,但国家级
10月15日,第十一届泛北部湾经济合作论坛暨2020北部湾国际门户港合作峰会在广西南宁举行。论坛以“聚焦国际门户港,共建陆海新通道:泛北合作的新时代”为主题,来自中国及东盟各国的政府官员、知名专家学者、业界人士、新闻媒体等通过线上线下融合的方式参与本次论坛。  泰国副总理兼商业部部长朱林:中国是东盟最重要的貿易伙伴,双方合作潜力巨大,也拥有良好的经济调控力。泰国愿继续与中国及其他国家深化合作,出台
2020年11月,初冬和暖的时节里,第一届“金紫荆杯”中国—东盟工业设计大赛在广西柳州市圆满落幕。大赛自启动以来,得到了中国和东盟行业协会、工业设计机构、专业院校师生以及热爱设计的社会各界人士广泛关注和踊跃参与,面向中国和印尼、菲律宾、泰国等东盟国家广泛征集了4000余件作品。  本次大赛搭建的广阔舞台,让国内外各异的工业设计理念碰撞,让广大工业设计企业迸发的设计创意落地成为实物,让真正满足用户需
印尼投资统筹机构主任巴赫利尔10月23日在雅加达召开的记者会上表示,2020年前三季度印尼累計落实投资金额达611.6 万亿印尼盾(约413亿美元),同比增长1.7%,完成了2020年全年实际投资指标817.2万亿盾的74.8%,总共投资项目为45726个。  在2020年第三季度的实际投资中,外国直接实际投资金额达106.1万亿盾,约占总额的50.8%,环比增长了8.7%,同比则增加了1.1%。
不管是惊艳世界的中国高铁,还是民族品牌华为手机,亦或是网红产品袋装螺蛳粉,我们可以看到,近年来通过设计创新改变面貌的“中国制造”得以迅速走出国门,受到国外消费者的称赞和热捧。  与此同时,随着中国版工业4.0时代的到来,工业设计作为制造业转型升级的主要动力也越来越受到重视,为中国制造“走出去”提供一个重要的切入口。  从“引进来”到“走出去”  如果说,中国故事1.0说的是中国搭“全球化便车”实现
菲律宾宣布11月1日起放宽部分旅行限制,持投资签证外国人可以入境,菲律宾公民出境无需接受新冠抗原检测。菲律宾总统发言人哈里·洛克表示,外国公民入境必须持有效签证,必须先预订合格隔离检疫设施,必须遵守当日口岸入境人数限制规定,以及菲律賓相关法规。  菲律宾自2020年2月起实施严格封闭措施,6月以来陆续开放持外交护照外国人,以及菲律宾人的外籍配偶入境。
10月30日,第17届中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)云上东博会平台启动仪式在广西南宁举办。启动仪式上宣布了云上东博会的口号:云上共享东博盛会,数智共创丝路新篇。来自各方的嘉宾共同启动云上东博会平台,开启了东博会全年运行的新模式。  广西壮族自治区副主席周红波:本届东博会是在疫情特殊年份筹办的盛会,“云上东博会”是一项创举,备受期待。数字化为东博会提供了无限可能和延展空间,必将开启东博会里程碑式
10月23日,2020中国—东盟媒体合作论坛以线上线下相结合的形式成功舉办。来自中国和东盟各国的近60位新闻官员、驻华使节、媒体代表和专家学者围绕“守望相助、合作共赢:助力中国—东盟战略伙伴关系提质升级”主题进行了探讨交流。  东盟秘书处副秘书长康富:媒体交流与合作是中国—东盟关系的重要组成部分,媒体在改变知识和信息结构方面扮演着重要角色。当前形势要求双方探索数字经济、社交媒体等新的合作方式,共同
10月12日,柬埔寨首相洪森在金边会见对柬进行正式访问的中国国务委員兼外交部长王毅。双方表达了亲切问候,并就共同关心的国际地区问题深入交换了意见。  柬埔寨首相洪森:此次中国外长把柬作为东南亚之行首站,显示了柬中之间紧密深入的全面战略合作伙伴关系。柬中一贯相互支持、相互依赖、相互帮助,是真正的好朋友。柬方高度赞赏并感谢中方为柬埔寨应对疫情和推动经济社会发展给予的大力帮助。中国抗击疫情取得巨大成就,