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<正> 当前,许多企业都遇到了严峻的挑战: ——原辅材料价格不断上涨; ——产品销路有的畅转平,有的平变滞; ——能源、电力紧张; 条件如此艰难,提高企业的经济效益可
In this work, we study the contributions of non-spectator effects to the lifetimes of Λb and B-mesons comparatively. Based on the well-established theoretical
In this paper we calculate the production of a charged top pion in association with a W boson at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the context of the topc
<正> 多年来,经济领域里开展的“技术改造”及“技术进步”,主要指企业,又多以工业企业为最。随着农村中以联户承包制为主要内容的经济体制改革基本告一段落,而进入第二步:即
<正> “荷花”牌双桶洗衣机系武汉洗衣机厂的“拳头”产品,也是洗衣机行业的优质名牌产品之一,在市场上已享有一定的声誉。但是今年一月份,由于受资金和配套件的影响,产量只
<正> 现金管理,这个工作关系到货币的投放和回笼、消费基金的增长和控制、物价的稳定、市场的活跃,因此十分重要。党的十一届三中全会以后,特别是开放政策实施以来,经济建设
Based on Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs) in "rainbow" approximation, the dynamically running mass of light quark and QCD vacuum condensate are investigated. Th
We introduce the Olami-Feder-Christensen (OFC) model on a squarelattice with some "rewired" long-range connections having the properties of small world networks
It is shown that by means of canonical operator approach the Ward-Takahashi identity (WTI) at finite temperature T and finite chemical potential μ for complete
<正> 马洪同志三月十四日签发了《关于二汽集团发展横向联系的调查和建议》,在这个调查报告中,重点提出了“二汽集团”实行“计划单列”,建立“投资信托公司”等问题。赵紫阳