
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heruoss
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1994年农历正月初六(2月15日)13时许,正当人们沉浸在节日的欢庆之中,吉林省长春市发生一起骇人听闻的严重暴力犯罪案件,一名歹徒手持“五·四”式手枪,闯入二道河子区滨河新村东104栋居民住宅楼504室,开枪狂射,当场打死5人,打伤3人,后抢劫、纵火,逃离现场。此案在省、市领导的亲自指挥下,在省厅、市局各有关部门的积极配合下,在二道河子分局、市局刑警大队和全市公安干警的艰苦攻坚,仅用10余个小时即胜利告破。案犯高广奎(男,33岁,牡丹江市木材加工厂停薪工人,1980年因伤害罪被判刑4年)已捕获归案,同时缴获“五·四”式手枪1支,弹夹3个,子弹33发。 In the first lunar month of the first lunar month, 1994 (February 15), at about 1300, just as people were immersed in the celebration of the festival, a terrible and violent criminal case occurred in Changchun, Jilin Province. A gangster held “ ”Type pistol, broke into Erdahezi District Binhe Village East 104 residential building 504, shot wild, killing 5 people on the spot, wounding 3, after robbery, arson, fled the scene. Under the direct command of the leaders of the provinces and municipalities and under the active cooperation of the relevant departments of the provincial and municipal departments and municipal bureaus, the case was tackled hard by the Erdaohe sub-bureau, the municipal police brigade and the police officers of the city. Only 10 Hours that victory was solved. Gao Guangkui, male, 33, of Mudanjiang Wood Processing Factory, was sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment in 1980, has been arrested and brought to justice. At the same time, he has seized 1 “5 · 4” pistol and 3 magazines, 33 rounds of bullets.
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