,lnheriting the past and ushering in the future—the 8th Annual Joint Conference of University of Chi

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Summer has come and passed, and the wind is ready to start blowing. Before autumn leaves flutter down, the 8th Annual Joint Conference of University of the Chicago and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) Liver Surgery: Advances in Treating Solid Tumors and Academic Skills was successfully held from September 6th to 7th at the University of Chicago Center in Beijing. The conference was jointly sponsored by the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management (NAHIEM), Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Liver Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition (HBSN), AME Publishing Company, University of Chicago Global Surgery, University of Chicago Department of Surgery, and University of Chicago Center in Beijing. This year’s conference focused on the multidisciplinary approach necessary to treat patients with solid abdominal tumors. There was a strong emphasis on the new techniques and approaches for managing these tumors, but also it highlighted leaders in gastroenterology and medical oncology fields. The following are the six sessions of this year’s conference: surgical approaches for hepatobiliary cancers, systemic therapy for HCC & NAFLD, pancreatectomy &transplantation immunology, cultivate hepatocytes in vitro, advance in treatment of solid cancers, and finally, academic and publishing skills.
We read with great interest the paper "Early recovery pathway for hepatectomy: data-driven liver resection care and recovery" by Waer et al., in which the autho
We are grateful for the questions raised by Drs. Blasi and Beltran and appreciate the opportunity to respond (1).
目的了解江阴市旅店业公共用品用具的卫生状况,为指导今后的卫生监督工作提供科学依据,防止传染病的发生和流行,保障旅客健康。方法 2011年3~12月,采用抽样调查的方法,在江阴