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社会主义法治理念的提出,是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央,正确判断国际国内形势,坚持以马列主义毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想为指导,着眼于现代化建设的客观需要,结合我国社会主义法治建设实际,作出的重大决策。社会主义法治理念中央概括为五个方面内容。即依法治国,执法为民,公平正义,服务大局,党的领导。从五个方面内容看,它全面地反映了党对社会主义法治的时代要求。它揭示了社会主义法治本质,是对法治功能的高度概括。在检察机关内部深入开展社会主义法治理念教育活动,促进检察干警自觉运用社会主义法治理念去指导自己的司法实践,是当前检察机关一项非常重要的政治任务。本文从在检察机关中深入开展社会主义法治理念教育活动的重要性和社会主义法治理念与检察队伍建设的关系以及检察人员应该树立的微观法治理念三个方面进行了粗浅的分析。 The idea of ​​the socialist rule by law is based on the party Central Committee with General Secretary Hu Jintao as the general secretary, correctly judging the international and domestic situation, insisting on the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, and the objective need of modernization, The actual construction of our socialist legal system, major decisions made. The concept of socialist rule of law central summary of five aspects. That is, governing the country according to law, law enforcement for the people, fairness and justice, serving the overall interests of the party’s leadership. From the perspective of five aspects, it comprehensively reflects the party’s requirements of the times for the socialist rule of law. It reveals the essence of the socialist rule of law and provides a high-level overview of the function of the rule of law. It is a very important political task for the procuratorial organs to conduct in-depth educational activities of the concept of the socialist concept of the rule of law within the procuratorial organs and to promote procuratorial police to consciously apply the socialist concept of the rule of law to guide their judicial practice. This article analyzes the importance of carrying out the educational concept of the socialist concept of the rule of law in procuratorial organs and the relationship between the concept of the socialist legal system and the building of the procuratorial team and the microcosmic idea of ​​the rule of law that procurators should establish.
一、柏拉图式的正题 在欧洲哲学——无论是古代哲学亦或中世纪哲学,乃至20世纪的某些传统——中,正是亚里士多德Peri hernenias开篇提出的论点为文化际理解的可能性奠定了基
编辑:  我女儿自幼就有精神病,张某娶她时,我作为母亲提出的唯一条件就是他要想法给我女儿治病,张某当时答应得挺好,可谁知女儿嫁过去后,张某根本不把她当人看,别说治病了,连饭都不按时给她吃,他拿铁链子把我女儿锁在床腿上,像对待猪狗一般对她,想打就打,想骂就骂,为了发泄兽欲方便,他竟然不给我女儿穿裤子一我实在看不下去了,想把女儿领回家,可张某就是不让。我现在真不知道该怎么办,总不能让女儿活活等死吧!我