My Favorite Book

来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hll10
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  The title of this book is A Castle Mystery. It is based on① something that happened a long time ago. The main character② is a female medical③ student. She promises④ to discover a cure⑤ for a terrible disease that is spreading across southern Russia. The source of the cure is in a castle deserted⑥ by an ancient prince. While she is working on the cure, a thief who is her enemy tries to steal⑦ her work. The clever woman fights to survive⑧ when the thief tries to kill her. She finally gets her work back, which allows her to save many lives.
  I think both kids and adults will like this book. In my opinion, the only problem with this book is its length. It is very long, but it is still a great book. The quality of the writing is excellent.
  I. Choose the best answer.
  1. The woman discovers ____.
   A. a long book                                     B. an incredible cure
   C. a deserted castle                           D. a thief with a disease
  2. The disease is spreading in the ____ of Russia.
   A. north                 B. west            C. south                 D. east
  3. What does the thief do to the woman?
   A. He tries to kill her.                          B. He tries to give her a cure.
   C. He tries to steal her.                       D. He tries to discover her.
  4. The writer thinks children and ____ will both enjoy the book.
   A. female students       B. their parents C. the old people     D. adults
  5. Whats the writers favorite book?
   A. A Castles Mystery.                      B. Mysterious Castle.
   C. Ancient Prince.                              D. Medical Student.
  II. Choose the best ideas from the tip box.
  brave man   working on   steal the bag   start a fight   catch the thief
  1. The main character in my favorite book is a ____.
  2. A young man ____ and ran away.
  3. The policeman need to ____ for people.
  4. Students are sitting in the classroom and ____ the difficult problem.
  5. They ____ with their enemy.
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