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每个人对于自己的钱财收支,鉴于关乎生活大计,总是明明白白的,不会放过每笔账的细枝末节,如遇疑问,无时无刻都会挂念于心,锱铢必较。明白收入之额、支出之量固然是最重要的,但对于个人收支所应缴纳的税费,你是否从来没有认真统计过,而让其“自生自灭”呢?我国个人所得税法明确规定,应对包括工资、薪金所得,劳务报酬所得,稿酬所得,股息、利息、红利所得等在内的11项个人所得征税,而近期燃油税、房地产税,遗产税等新税的开征预期更将个税问题搅得沸沸扬扬。依法缴纳个人所得税是每个公民应尽的义务,明明白白了解自己的税费也是合理避税的理财前提。当然,如果要精确统计一个人从生到死缴纳的所有税费,其中不可控因素过多,结果难免牵强,但如果只以一年为界,多少能给读者算笔纳税小账,起到抛砖引玉之功用。 Everyone’s own money and income, in view of the life plan, always plainly, will not miss the details of every account, in case of doubt, all the time will miss the heart, 锱 baht will be more. Understand the amount of income, the amount of expenditure is, of course, the most important, but for personal income and taxes should pay taxes, you have never carefully counted, leaving it “self-contained”? China’s personal income tax law It is clearly stipulated that 11 personal income tax items including salary, salary income, income from labor service remuneration, remuneration income, dividends, interest, dividend, etc. should be levied. However, the recent tax levies on new taxes such as fuel tax, real estate tax and inheritance tax are expected More a tax issue is stirring uproar. Paying personal income tax in accordance with the law is an obligation that every citizen should fulfill. It is also a prerequisite for proper tax avoidance that a person clearly understands their own taxes and fees. Of course, if you want to accurately count all the taxes and fees you pay from birth to death, including uncontrollable factors, the result is inevitable, but if only for a year as a border, how much can give the reader a small tax bill, play Initiate the function.
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