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周末上午,一个小男孩在他的玩具沙箱里玩耍。沙箱里有他的一些玩具小汽车、敞篷货车、塑料水桶和一把亮闪闪的塑料铲子。在松软的沙堆上修筑公路和隧道时,他在沙箱的中部发现了一块巨大的岩石。小家伙开始挖掘岩石周围的沙子,企图把它从泥沙中弄出来。他是个很小的小孩,岩石却相当巨大。手脚并用,手推肩挤左摇右晃。一次又一次地向岩石发起冲击,可是,每当他刚刚觉得取得一些进展的时候,岩石便滑脱了,重新滚进沙箱里。 On the weekend morning, a young boy plays in his toy sandbox. There are some of his toy cars, convertible vans, plastic buckets and a shiny plastic shovel in the sandbox. When building roads and tunnels on soft sand piles, he found a huge rock in the middle of the sandbox. The little guy started digging the sand around the rock in an attempt to get it out of the sand. He is a very small child and the rock is quite large. Use hands and feet together, push the shoulders and squeeze the left to shake and shake. Again and again the impact was rocked, but whenever he felt that he had made some progress, the rocks slipped and rolled into the sandbox again.
每个人都有自己的悄悄话,可如果找不到合适的倾吐对象,憋在心里,实在是很难受。唉,悄悄话,到底该对谁说呢? Everyone has their own private whisper, but if you can’t f
戛(2003第9期直抒胸意)你叫一今年—岁你的通信地址一l就读」公一一~-书一‘一 一由砂骊.-{…梦井你最喜欢的栏目_不喜欢的栏目_你认为本期的封面因为口好口较好因为二一一,
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给人深刻教训的,不一定是指责、批评……那天,他的目光里燃烧着愤怒,像一柄利剑,直刺我的心灵。 Those who give profound lessons are not necessarily blamed or criticiz