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临床多采用口服制剂治疗尿道综合征病症,取得了相当稳定的疗效,但其疗程长、费用高、副作用大,病人不乐于接受。笔者于1996年3月~1998年8月采用改良的癃闭舒剂型治疗尿道综合征病人9例,通过肛门给药,较口服制剂疗程缩短、费用降低、副作用最小,现报告如下。 1 一般资料 应用改良癃闭舒治疗尿道综合征9例病人取得满意疗效。其中25~34岁4例,36~45岁3例,46岁以上2例。病程1个月者2例,3个月者3例,5个月者1例,6个月者2例,7个月者1例。该类病人多伴有尿频、尿急、尿痛、尿细如线。小腹拘急疼痛,腰膝酸软等症状,更有甚者,小便淋漓涩痛,只有靠导尿管导尿。治疗此类病症多用癃闭舒、膀胱灵、速尿等药物。但该类药物的疗程长,费用高,副作用大等。 2 改良方法与注意事项 The clinical use of oral preparations for the treatment of urethral syndrome has achieved a very stable efficacy, but its long course of treatment, high cost, and side effects, the patient is not happy to accept. In March 1996 to August 1998, the author adopted a modified phlegm-removing type 9 patients with urethral syndrome. Through the anus administration, the course of treatment was shortened, the cost was reduced, and the side effects were the smallest compared with oral preparations. The report is as follows. 1 General Information 9 patients with urethral syndrome were treated with modified AoShaoShu to obtain satisfactory results. Among them, 4 cases were 25 to 34 years old, 3 cases were 36 to 45 years old, and 2 cases were 46 years old or older. There were 2 cases with a course of 1 month, 3 cases with 3 months, 1 case with 5 months, 2 cases with 6 months, and 1 case with 7 months. This type of patient is often accompanied by urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, urinary fine lines. Abdominal cramps, pain, weak waist and knees and other symptoms, even worse, urine poured astringent, only by catheter catheterization. Treatment of these conditions with Shugan Shu, bladder Ling, furosemide and other drugs. However, such drugs have a long course of treatment, high costs, and large side effects. 2 Improvement Methods and Precautions
目的 :观察 Bm K- 9- (2 )对成年豚鼠心肌收缩性能和心肌细胞动作电位的影响。方法 :Langendoff离体心脏灌流法 ,悬浮玻璃微电极法。结果 :左室最大收缩压 (LVSP)、左室内压
Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin is teaming up with Michelangelo,Leonardo,Donatello and Raphael.The businessman’s conglomerate3Dalian Wanda Group says it will
目的··:探讨海洛因依赖恒河猴经复方中药康赛德戒断治疗后睾丸结构和功能的恢复情况。方法··:HE染色 ,光镜观察。结果··:在海洛因依赖形成过程中 ,生理盐水对照组(NS组
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患者张某 ,男性 ,年龄 2 1岁 ,今年 5月份 ,因玩烧掉一个大蜂房 ,不慎被数只蜂叮螫 ,当时头、面、颈部出现肿胀 ,胸闷恶心不适去镇医院治疗 ,经对症处理 ,输液后解毒 ,症状略