The Preliminary Analysis of the Characteristics of Geomagnetic Harmonic Wave Amplitude Ratios before

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onlylisong
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In this paper,the Gaoyou-Baoying M_S4.9 earthquake was analyzed by the geomagnetic harmonic wave amplitude ratios method. The earthquake was an isolated seismic event,before and after which there were no other earthquakes occurred in this region. The dense distribution of geomagnetic observataries provided an advantage condition for the analysis of characteristics of the geomagnetic harmonic amplitude ratios. The analysis results verify the former knowledge of anomaly characteristics of the geomagnetic harmonic amplitude ratio,that is,the anomalous characteristics of the earthquake mostly appeared during the decline-turning-recovery rising process. The results also show that the change of the anomalies was asynchronous at the observatories close to the epicenter, namely, the anomalous characteristics were different between the H and the D components,as well as between the long and short periods. The earthquake was an isolated seismic event, before and after which there were no other earthquakes occurred in this region. The dense distribution of geomagnetic The analysis results verify the former knowledge of anomaly characteristics of the geomagnetic harmonic amplitude ratio, that is, the anomalous characteristics of the earthquake mostly The results also show that the change of the anomalies was brief at the observatories close to the epicenter, namely, the anomalous characteristics were different between the H and the D components, as well as between the long and short periods.
建立基层群众文化艺术档案是群文艺术工作迅速发展的必然结果,没有档案就意味着没有群众文化艺术的历史,没有前人的经验,后人永远停留在没有继承,只有探索阶段。只要有前人完善的群众文化艺术档案,才能让后人在继承的基础上加以开拓、创新、发展。  作者是从事基层群众文化艺术工作的一名普通基层群众文化艺术工作者,结合工作中遇见的问题,现浅谈下群文档案在当今存在的弊端,以及如何建立基层群众文化艺术正规档案。  第
摘 要:本论文主要针对影视表演的基本训练与表演实践的关键点进行研究,从多方面入手,对演员内在基本功与外在基本功的训练进行阐述。同时又对在表演时间创作中从角色创建到演戏的情感与展现力都做了一定的解析。  关键词:基本功;表现力;功课  1表演艺术载体的变革与发展  戏剧表演是一项传统艺术,但是随着时代的发展,科学的进步,以及社会对文化娱乐需求的升华,这门艺术的表现形式与方法正在发生着改变和优化。  
群众文化事业作为国家公益性社会文化事业,在社会文化发展中具有龙头、导向和示范作用,对于规范社会文化市场的方向、促进三个文明与和谐社会建设具有重要作用。因此,在新形势下,如何可持续的发展群众文化活动是值得我们深入思考的问题。那么群众文化活动如何持久开展呢?笔者认为要使得群众文化活动可持续发展,组织者必须做到“四个重”,即一重口味,二重特色,三重载体,四重品牌。  一、口味——群众文化活动可持续的基础
文化遗产是人类创造的文明结晶。它们有着密切的内在联系和本质的区别。  一、物质文化遗产与非物质文化遗产的本质的区别  (一)有形与无形的差异。传统理解的文化遗产都是物质的、有形的,都是可视的、可触摸的。物质性是文化遗产存在的传统形式。物质文化遗产的文化内涵都寓于物之中,物是文化遗产的文化内涵存在的外壳,或说是它的外在形式。没有这个物质外壳我们无从进入它的文化内涵,物质外壳就是物质文化遗产的载体,不