中共苏州市委 苏州市人民政府关于促进全市城乡低收入家庭增收的实施意见

来源 :苏州市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangjl41
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苏发[2013]29号为认真贯彻落实党的十八大关于增加城乡居民收入的精神和省委、省政府“八项工程”的目标要求,以及市委、市政府《关于增加城乡居民收入提高人民生活水平的实施意见》(苏发[2011]22号),全面实施富民优先战略,确保我市率先基本实现现代化,现对促进本市户籍城乡低收入家庭增收提出如下意见:一、重要意义近年来,我市加快“三区三城”建设,保持经济社会平稳较快发展,让人民群众得到更多实惠,居民收入逐年增长,城乡差别逐步缩小。人均8000元是省定小康指标,采取扎实有效措施帮扶和促进年人均 In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 18th CPC Congress on increasing the income of urban and rural residents and the requirements of the provincial government and “eight projects” and the requirements of the municipal government on “increasing the urban and rural residents (Su Fa [2011] No. 22), and fully implement the priority strategy of enriching the people to ensure that our city takes the lead in basically realizing modernization. We hereby put forward the following opinions on the promotion of the income increase of low-income families in urban and rural areas in this Municipality: First, In recent years, the city has accelerated the construction of ”three districts, three cities" and maintained a steady and rapid economic and social development so that the people will receive more benefits. The residents’ income will increase year by year and the urban-rural differences will gradually decrease. Per capita 8,000 yuan is a well-off index, take solid and effective measures to help and promote the per capita
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