
来源 :青少年书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyx781004
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书法发展到今天已经进入空前炙热化的阶段,各种展赛、流派你刚唱罢我登场,一时间书法江湖风起云涌,老祖宗们也许做梦都没有想到书法会有今天之局面。然而事实是如此吗?当前书法艺术创作看起来很繁荣,创作队伍逐步壮大,但优秀作品还是太少,创作队伍的整体素质有待于提高,甚至有些人急功近利,以一些粗制滥造的作品哗众取宠,招摇过市。艺术家的创作在许多 Calligraphy development today has entered an unprecedented hot stage, all kinds of exhibitions, schools you just chant me debut, a time of calligraphy rivers and lakes, our ancestors may have never imagined the calligraphy will have the situation today. However, the fact is that the current calligraphy art seems very prosperous, the creative team has gradually expanded, but the outstanding works are still too small. The overall quality of the creative team needs to be improved. Some people even resorted to quick success and use grandchildren’s works to sensationalize and sway through the streets. The creation of artists is many