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杨利伟,汉族,辽宁省绥中县人,中共党员,大学文化。1965年6月出生,1983年6月入伍,1988年9月入党,现为中国人民解放军航天员大队三级航天员,正团职,上校军衔,1992年、1994年两次荣立三等功。杨利伟1987年毕业于空军第八飞行学院,历任空军航空兵某师飞行员、中队长,曾飞过歼击机、强击机等机型,安全飞行1350小时,被评为一级飞行员,1996年起参加航天员选拔,1998年1月正式成为我国首批航天员。经过5年多的训练,他完成了基础理论、航天环境适应性、专业技术等8大类几十个科目的训练任务,以优异的成绩通过航天员专业技术综合考核,光荣地被选拔为我国首次载人航天飞行首飞梯队成员。2003年10月15日9时,我国自行研制的“神舟五号”载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。杨利伟经过21小时23分、60万公里的安全飞行后,于16日6时23分在内蒙古主着陆场成功着陆返回。2003年11月7日,中共中央、国务院、中央军委授予杨利伟“航天英雄”荣誉称号并颁发“航天功勋奖章”。 Yang Liwei, Han nationality, Suizhong County, Liaoning Province, CPC member, college culture. He was born in June 1965, joined the army in June 1983 and joined the party in September 1988. He is now a third-grade astronaut of the PLA PLA astronaut brigade, a member of the regiment and a rank of colonel. In 1992 and 1994, . Yang Liwei graduated from the Eighth Air Force Academy of Flight in 1987, served as a division of Air Force pilots pilot, squadron leader, had fighter, attack aircraft and other models, safe flight 1350 hours, was rated as a pilot, since 1996 to participate in the selection of astronauts , January 1998 officially became China’s first batch of astronauts. After more than five years of training, he completed training tasks in dozens of subjects in eight categories, including basic theory, aerospace environment adaptability, professional technology, etc., passed the comprehensive examination of professional astronauts with outstanding achievements and was honorably selected as China’s The first manned space flight flight echelon members. At 9:00 on October 15, 2003, China’s own self-developed “Shenzhou V” manned spacecraft was launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. After 21 hours and 23 minutes and 600,000 kilometers of safe flight, Yang Weili made a successful landing at the main landing site of Inner Mongolia at 6:23 on the 16th. On November 7, 2003, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission awarded Yang Liwei the honorary title of “Space Hero” and presented the “Medal of Merit in Space.”
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