
来源 :中国民族博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongLIXUAN
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在我国大中城市,近年来热衷于公益事业和社区服务的青年志愿者队伍日益壮大。我北京的一个朋友的朋友是位传媒多有报道的商界才俊,除像其他志愿者一样参加一般性的公益活动外,他还暗暗负责起了他所在的居民小区两户鳏寡老人的日常生活。按说依照他的财力和能力,如果捐出一笔钱来,把老人安排到福利院去安享余生,实在是易如反掌。但他没有那样做,而是把来自不同家庭的两位老人一起接到了自家共同生活。他和妻子、女儿把两间朝阳并带有宽大阳台的屋子让给了生活已基本不能自理的老人,照顾他们的饮食起居,给他们擦身按摩读报看病洗澡,以至于每当他和家人在天气好的时候用车推着两位老人到花园散步时,新搬来的街坊都会说“你爸妈的气色近 In large and medium-sized cities in our country, the ranks of young volunteers keen on public welfare undertakings and community service have been growing in recent years. One of my friends in Beijing is a friend of the media with many reports of business people. In addition to participating in general public welfare activities like other volunteers, he secretly took charge of the day-to-day operations of two households in his neighborhood. life. According to his account, according to his financial ability and ability, it would be easy for the elderly people to be allocated to the welfare homes for the rest of their lives if they donated a sum of money. However, instead of doing so, he took both elderly people from different families together to live their own lives together. He and his wife and daughter gave the two sun-dwelling houses with spacious balconies to the elderly who were basically unable to take care of themselves. They took care of their diet and gave them a massage to read and take a bath so that whenever he and his family When the weather is good, the two elderly people push the car to the garden for a walk. The newly arrived neighbors will say, "Your parents are flirtatious.
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编辑同志: 前年,我丈夫在县煤矿当临时工时因塌方事故死亡。出事之前我们已经与公婆分家另过,但是丈夫死后,我家的承包地一直由公婆耕种。因他们连基本的口粮也不给我,我只
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