
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lulu1984129
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三月二十六日召开办公会议,着重研究如何改进领导作风,提高工作效率,在人少事多的情况下,推动所有各项工作。因此,决定抽调干部十二人组成检查组,重点检查民、财、建、教等科(其他科自行检查)。检查内容:思想领导、工作态度、公文处理、保密、处理人民来信等主要问题。事前作了准备工作,印发提纲,端正检查思想,必须达到发现问题,解决问题,提高工作效率之目的。检查日期自三月三十一日至四月四日共五天,同志们对检查表现积极认真。通过这次检查可看出过去在建立各项必要的制度、统一管理档案、保守国家机密、处理公文、建立账簿表报制度掌管收入支出等工作中作出了一定的成绩。但与 On March 26, a convention was held to focus on how to improve leadership style and work efficiency so as to promote all kinds of work with fewer incidents. Therefore, it was decided to appointing cadres to form an inspection team of 12 people and to check the subjects of civil, financial, construction and teaching (other sections should conduct their own inspection). Check the content: ideological leadership, working attitude, document processing, confidentiality, handling people’s letter and other major issues. Prepared work in advance, issued outline, correct examination of ideas, we must achieve the discovery of problems, solve problems and improve work efficiency. Check the date from March 31 to April 4 a total of five days, comrades on the inspection performance seriously. Through this inspection, we can see that we have made some achievements in setting up the necessary systems, unified management of archives, keeping state secrets, handling official documents, setting up books and forms reporting system in charge of income and expenses. But with