
来源 :中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bat_wing
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“治安中心户长制”是全国正在探索实施的一种自我管理、自我防范、自我服务的新型农村治安防控机制,目前主要在经济欠发达的中西部地区或是经济居于全国中下水平的地区实施。“治安中心户长制”是农村警务区治安防控从行政村向自然村的延伸,弥补了农村现有警务资源的不足,是中国古代乡村治安传统在新时期的创新。实施“治安中心户长制”应坚持民主、自愿原则,建立精神激励为主、物质待遇为辅的激励机制,提供必要的保障,在法律规定的范围内因地制宜有选择地开展。 “Public security center chief system ” is a new type of rural public security prevention and control mechanism that self-management, self-defense and self-service are being explored and implemented in the country. Currently, it is mainly implemented in the economically underdeveloped central and western regions or the economy in the whole country Horizontal area implementation. “Public security center chief system ” is an extension of public security prevention and control in the rural police area from the administrative village to the natural village, to make up for the lack of existing police resources in rural areas, is the innovation of ancient rural law and order tradition in the new era. The implementation of the system of “head of public security center” should insist on the principle of democracy and voluntariness, set up an incentive mechanism supplemented by material incentives and supplemented by material benefits, and provide the necessary guarantees to carry out the measures according to local conditions within the scope prescribed by law.
三百六十行你唯独选择了审计我说,你只有把自己的命运和集体、国家的命运拴在一起,生命才能绽放出绚丽的花期 Three hundred and sixty lines you choose the audit alone
如果生命能有许多次那我们就微不足道如果疾病没有痛苦那我们的努力就不值一提但是生命只有一次疾病带来痛苦 If life can have many times, then we are insignificant. I
在张家界自然风景区,有一处独特的景观叫望郎峰,从黄石寨后门下去,步行一个小时就可以到达。 望郎峰形如一位亭亭玉立的少女,令人惊诧的是,那亭亭玉立的姿势,俨然举世闻名的
三国时,有位叫陆绩的人,在做郁林大守,因其为政清廉,没有什么家私,故在调离时,想到归舟太轻,恐难渡海,遂上岸 When the Three Kingdoms, there was a man named Lu Ji, doi
遥远的西藏对大多数内地人来说都充满着诱惑和向往。30年前,未曾踏出省界一步的我,却与神秘古老的西藏文化有过近两年时间的亲密接触。 1973年,我作为工农兵学员从下放的农