Small Loans Set to Revolutionize Rural Finances

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<正>IT is a sunny morning in March 2006. A hundred or so rural dwellers and their family members gather in Yuba Village, Yilong County, Sichuan Province. Everyone looks happy, with justification, because today they will receive small loans from a loc
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It is common knowledge that China,with its 1.3 billion people, is the most populous country on the face of the earth. Fewer people, however, knowthat the number
摘 要:文章主要介绍了中小型电视台数字电视播出系统以及中小型电视台数字电视播出系统设计,为从事相关的电视节目的工作人员提供了参考意义。  关键词:数字电视;播出系统;设计  中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2015)15-0066-01  1 中小型电视台数字电视播出系统分析  1.1 系统建设背景和目标  1.1.1 建设背景  依据现阶段经济的发展,