
来源 :中国计量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syb9912032
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20世纪90年代以来,我国眼镜行业发展非常迅速。但由于市场成分复杂,而管理又不规范,导致市场上的眼镜产品鱼龙混杂,关于眼镜质量的国家监督抽查合格率一直很低。1995年对全国眼科光学计量器具(焦度计、验光机、验光镜片箱)的产品抽查合格率仅为37%;1997年抽样合格率虽有上升,但也仅为53.6%。眼镜质量问题引起 Since the 90s of 20th century, the development of China’s glasses industry is very rapid. However, due to the complexity of the market composition, and management is not standardized, resulting in the market quite a mixed bag of eyeglasses, glasses on the quality of national supervision and checking pass rate has been low. In 1995, the passing rate of the national ophthalmic optics measuring instruments (power meters, optometry machines and optometric lenses boxes) was only 37%. Although the passing rate of sampling in 1997 increased, it was only 53.6%. Glasses quality problems caused
眼镜是温州市新兴的出口商品,正以其“价廉物美”、“色样齐全”而源源不断地销往国际市场。 温州眼镜的生产,集中体现了专业化与装配化的组织形式,分布广,形成了广大的社会
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Larry(L)正开车和李华(LH)一起到他父母家过周末。两人在车上讨论这个周末的活动。  LH: 我希望你妈妈会喜欢和我一块儿去逛街。  L: Oh, I’m sure that the two of you will have a ball if you go shopping together. You both love to shop.  LH: Have a ball? 哎,我是要和
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