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短波通信的研究和应用,已有六十几年的历史。但是由于电磁波传播受到电离层的影响而不够稳定,二十年代还未能广泛应用。以后短波通信技术不断改进和发展,如单边带技术,分集接收、移频键控,以及高增益定向天线的采用等,使短波通信质量有很大提高,于是使用者逐渐增多。四十至五十年代是短波通信的全盛时期,发展迅速,应用广泛。但后来,使用者越来越多,短波频道变得拥挤不堪,干扰严重。同时,由于海缆通信技术的进步和卫星通信技术的发展,便使得大容量远程的定点通信电路逐渐为海缆通信和卫星通信所代替。尽管如此,在小容量远程的定点通信、移动通信(包括航海、航空)及其他特殊用途的通信方面,短波通信仍有使用灵活、电路简单的优点,加上电报终端采 Research and application of shortwave communications, has sixty years of history. However, due to the influence of ionosphere electromagnetic wave propagation is not stable enough, the twenties has not been widely used. After the continuous improvement and development of shortwave communication technology, such as single-sideband technology, diversity reception, frequency shift keying, and the use of high-gain directional antennas, so that the quality of short-wave communications has greatly improved, so the user gradually increased. The forties and fifties were the heyday of shortwave communications with rapid development and wide application. But then, more and more users, shortwave channels become crowded, serious interference. At the same time, due to the progress of submarine cable communication technology and the development of satellite communication technology, high-capacity long-distance fixed-point communication circuits are gradually replaced by submarine cable communications and satellite communications. In spite of this, the shortwave communication still has the advantages of flexible use and simple circuit in small-capacity remote fixed-point communication, mobile communication (including navigation and aviation) and other special-purpose communications. In addition, telegraph terminal
我已经写了一篇文章在《晃海画集》上,这里就不多说了。下面先请中央美院邵大箴先生讲。 I have already written an article on “Akira Seto,” and I will not say much
胃是人体消化系统的主要器官,胃一旦发生疾患,就直接影响人体营养物质的吸收,导致某些全身性疾病的发生,所以人们应随时注意胃的卫生保健。胃是一个很娇气的内脏,它 Stomac
食鱼有益,但因人而异。美国政府新近发布的饮食标准指出,某些鱼中的大量汞银可以对儿童和孕妇及哺乳妇女的健康构成危险。 Fish is good, but it varies from person to pe
一、AN/APG-66雷达 AN/APG-66雷达是一部装在F-16飞机上的高度固态化、数字化的多功能、垒天候相干脉冲多普勒雷达。工作在I/J波段,具有低的和中等的脉冲重复频傘,以适应仰
模糊事件的概率就是它的平均隶属度。模糊事件的熵就是它的概率的负对数。结局为若干不相交模糊事件的随机试验的熵即是各结局的熵的平均值。信息是用熵的减量来度量的。 在