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2010年12月8日上午,广东省第六届珠江三角洲地区与山区及东西两翼经济技术合作洽谈会在汕头市隆重开幕。中共中央政治局委员、省委书记汪洋出席开幕式并宣布第六届“山洽会”开幕,省委副书记、省长黄华华在开幕式上致辞。省委常委、常务 On the morning of December 8, 2010, the 6th Pearl River Delta Economic and Technological Cooperation Fair in Guangdong Province with the mountains, east-west wings was grandly opened in Shantou. Wang Yang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the provincial party committee, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the 6th “Mountain Trade Fair”. Huang Huahua, deputy secretary of provincial Party committee and governor, addressed the opening ceremony. Provincial Standing Committee, standing
Jason loves the sea and goes outfishing every morning with hisfriend Henry in Henry’s boat.When he comes home from thefish market,he goes to work in his step-
We described the first results of a quantitative ultra performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry method for a novel antimicrobial peptide (phyll
昔日,芳草青青,梦野千里,院里静伫株石榴树;如今,雷声轰轰,废墟遍地,原来院里静伫的石榴树,花开花落。  ——题记  自我很小的时候,这株石榴树就栽在奶奶家的院子里。奶奶说石榴树和我爸爸年龄相当时,我总吃惊地张大嘴巴,扬着稚气的脸庞出神地注视它。奶奶的老街坊年龄都差不多,他们居住在这条院街做邻居做了三十多年。老人们聊起天来没完没了,太阳升起时就坐在石凳上,一直说到太阳快落山该回家准备晚饭了才意犹未
省委提出的跨越发展,是快步伐、求突破的发展,是高水平、可持续的发展,是重民生、促和谐的发展。即将到来的“十二五”时 The leapfrog development proposed by the provin
Soil erosion at the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau has obvious vertical erosion zonation from watershed boundary to gully edge. Meanwhile,upslope runof
试驾人:Mars(本刊汽年版记者)“我们并不相信类似完美跑车这样的神话,否则,我们早在45年前就已经停止努力了。”保时捷911激发了无数人对跑车的热情。近日,新款911 Carrera系