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南京地区7、8、9三个月持续高温,暴雨频繁,蔬菜供应出现“伏缺”.为了改变这一状况,我区于1986年试种抗灾能力强,栽培简便的堵缺品种一伏蕹菜,获得了成功,并在全区推广种植,栽培面积逐年扩大,在堵伏缺上发挥了积极作用.一、栽培要点选用“大叶蕹菜”品种.6月上旬~7月上旬划浅沟直播,株行距20cm~25cm×12cm.每亩用种8kg左右,确保出苗整齐,不断垄.基肥要充分腐熟,以防肥害.每亩施叶菜类专用复合肥50kg~60kg,腐熟人粪尿2500kg,并浇透底水.播后盖子,5天~7天即可出苗,伏蕹菜生长迅速,对水肥要求较高.肥料宜选择速效性肥料,每次每亩用量为叶菜类专用肥7.5kg~10kg或尿素4kg~5kg,充分溶解后兑水泼浇.一般25天左右就可采收.采收时宜用手掐,不能用刀割,以保证质量.上市时扎成捆,每捆重0.5kg~0.75kg.每次可上市250kg~400kg/亩,隔7天~10天掐一次,上市一次追肥一次,促使茎叶生长.从出苗到始收是治虫的重点.可采取喷药防治结合人工捕捉,治早治了.二、应用范围 Nanjing area 7,8,9 three months sustained high temperatures, frequent heavy rains, vegetable supply “shortage.” In order to change this situation, in our district in 1986 to try to cultivate a strong disaster-resistant, easy to cultivate the blocked species of a volt Vegetables, was successful, and in the region to promote planting, cultivation area expanded year by year, in the absence of plug play an active role .One, the main points of cultivation selection “Big Leaf Brasenia” variety .From early June to early July draw shallow Groove live, spacing of 20cm ~ 25cm × 12cm. Per acre with about 8kg, to ensure that the emergence of neat, continuous ridge. Base fertilizer should be fully matured to prevent fat damage per acre Shiye special compound fertilizer 50kg ~ 60kg, matured Excrement 2500kg, and pour through the end of water. After sowing the lid, 5 days to 7 days to emerge, rapid growth of the Vetch, higher water and fertilizer requirements. Fertilizer should choose quick-acting fertilizer, per acre amount of leafy vegetables Dedicated fertilizer 7.5kg ~ 10kg or urea 4kg ~ 5kg, fully poured after pouring poured water.Generally 25 days can be harvested. Harvest should hand pinch, can not use knife to ensure quality. , Each bundle weighs 0.5kg ~ 0.75kg. Each can be listed 250kg ~ 400kg / mu, pinch once every 7 days ~ 10 days, a top dressing time, and promote So that the growth of stems and leaves from the emergence of the beginning is the focus of pest control can take spraying prevention and control combined with manual capture, cure early treatment. Second, the scope of application
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