
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfzhousd
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滕州市酿酒总厂建于1948年,发展至今已成为中型食品酿造企业,是全国酒精协会理事厂。拥有固定资产1587,5万元,年创产值3000万元以上,利税800万元。下设四个分厂,四个车间,主要生产酒精、白酒、果脯、饮料四个系列产品、五十个品种。酒精质量达到国家二级标准,苹果脯连年获部优质产品称号,1988年获首届食品博览会金奖和轻工部“金龙腾飞”奖;被列为全国地方名特产品,端上了国宴。果脯系列产 Tengzhou brewery plant was built in 1948, the development has become a medium-sized food brewing enterprises, is the director of the National Alcohol Association. With 15,875,000 yuan in fixed assets, the annual output value of more than 30 million yuan, profits and taxes 8 million yuan. Under the four branch, four workshops, mainly produces alcohol, liquor, preserved fruits, beverages four series of products, 50 varieties. The quality of alcohol has reached the national second-class standard, and the apple preserved fruit has won the title of “Quality Products” in successive years. In 1988, it was awarded the Gold Award and Light Industry Department of the First Food Exposition “Jinlong takeoff” award. It was listed as a national specialty and endowed with state banquet. Preserved products
在海湾战争中,激光武器出尽了风 头,在现代战争中显示出强大的威 力。 伊拉克空军总部是一座极其坚固 的建筑物,要炸毁它谈何容易,况且在 它的四周还有许多居民楼房。然而美
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