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六月的杭州,酷暑难耐。吱呀吱呀的知了声中,骆少君的办公室里,连风扇都不曾转动。靠墙壁的桌子上摆满了大大小小的茶叶罐头,数一数,总有三四十个,不知是她喝剩的茶叶还是别人拿来鉴赏指导的;窗口又摆了七八个茶杯,密密地列成一排,凑近一看,杯子里泡着香醇的普洱,放在窗台边是想着借那里的凉风,吹散热气。一个茶人的办公室。骆少君坐在椅子上打电话,60多岁的人了,头发已有些许花白,但坐姿仍很豪迈,飞快地跟对方说着有关普洱的一些事情,利索、简短,中气十足,有着这个年龄层女人少有的理智和逻辑,豪爽和气派。岁月没有在她身上留下任何世故的痕迹。 Hangzhou in June, summer heat. Sigh heard the sound, Luo Shaojun’s office, and even the fans have not turned. Relying on the wall of the table filled with large and small tea cans, the number one, there are always thirty or forty, I do not know her left tea or other people used to appreciate the guidance; window and put seven or eight cups, Densely arranged in a row, closer look, the cup soaked in mellow Pu’er, on the edge of the bay window is thinking about the breeze there, blowing heat. A tea man’s office. Luo Shaojun sitting in a chair call, 60-year-old man, the hair has been a little gray, but still very heroic sitting position, quickly told each other a few things about Pu’er, neat, brief, full of gas, have this age Layers of women’s rare sense of intelligence and logic, generous and style. Years did not leave any trace of her life.
7年前,在央视春节晚会上,李琼作为唯一的独唱演员,倾情演唱湖北民歌《山路十八弯》。娇小的李琼轻松自如地“爬”上那令很多歌手都发憷的高音,如同一个天真烂漫的少女赤足漫步云间,高亢中不乏飘逸,优美中不乏力量,她因演唱此歌一夜成名而红遍大江南北……李琼走进山寨的最深处,用山歌讲述她年轻的音乐历程……     不经风霜苦, 哪得梅花香    今年26岁的李琼出生在武汉的一个普通家庭。父亲李祖勋是湖北楚剧院
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