Boiling of HFE-7100 on a Straight Pin Fin

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jordanfandemin
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This paper deals with an experimental investigation of pin fin boiling of saturated and subcooled HFE-7100 under atmospheric pressure. Fin base temperature and heat flux data are measured along with the fin tip temperature. The basic features of boiling stability of HFE-7100 boiling on pin fin had been reported for the first time. For a given liquid/heating surface combination there exist upper steady-state (USS) branch and lower steady-state (LSS) branch, and a large, unstable regime located in between. Zones with different stability characteristics are mapped according to boiling on fins with different aspect ratios. Liquid subcooling can largely enhance heat transfer performance. A longer fin can provide a safer operation This paper deals with an experimental investigation of pin fin boiling of saturated and subcooled HFE-7100 under atmospheric pressure. Fin base temperature and heat flux data are measured along with the fin tip temperature. pin fin had been reported for the first time. For a given liquid / heating surface combination there exists upper steady-state (USS) branch and lower steady-state (LSS) branch, and a large, unstable regime located in between. different stability characteristics are mapped according to boiling on fins with different aspect ratios. Liquid subcooling can substantially enhance heat transfer performance. A longer fin can provide a safer operation
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