Influences of post-annealing and internal stress on magnetoresistance properties of Ni_(80)Fe_(20)

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lily009009
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Ni_(80)Fe_(20) films with thickness about 54 nm were deposited on K9 glass and thermally oxidized silicon substrates at ambient temperature by electron beam evaporation with deposition rate about 1.8 nm/min. The as-deposited films were annealed at 350, 450 and 570 ℃respectively for 1 h. After annealing at 570 ℃, the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio(R_(AM)) of the films is greatly improved. It increases to 3%3.5% nearly about three times of that of the as-deposited films. The grain size increases with the annealing temperature and the [111] crystal orientation is obviously enhanced after annealing at temperature above 450 ℃. The internal stress in the films deposited on K9 glass is compressive and the resistance measurement shows that (R_(M∥)) is larger than (R_(M⊥)) in these films. However, in the films deposited at the same conditions but on oxidized silicon substrates, the internal stress is tensile and (R_(M⊥)) is larger than (R_(M∥)). The differences of (R_(M∥)) and (R_(M⊥)) in two series of specimens are discussed. Ni 80 Fe 20 films with thickness about 54 nm were deposited on K9 glass and thermally oxidized silicon substrates at ambient temperature by electron beam evaporation with deposition rate about 1.8 nm / min. The as-deposited films were annealed at 350, 450 and 570 ° C. respectively for 1 h. After annealing at 570 ° C., the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio (R_ (AM)) of the films is greatly improved. It increases to 3% 3.5% nearly about three times of that of the as-deposited The grain size increases with the annealing temperature and the [111] crystal orientation is obviously enhanced after annealing at temperature above 450 ° C. The internal stress in the films deposited on K9 glass is compressive and the resistance measurements shows that (R_ (M ∥)) is larger than (R_ (M⊥)) in these films. However, in the films deposited at the same conditions but on oxidized silicon substrates, the internal stress is tensile and (R_ (M⊥)) is larger than ( R_ (M∥)). The differences of (R_ (M∥) ) and (R_ (M⊥)) in two series of specimens are discussed.
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