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  为了了解小黄人的前世今生,《时代》杂志儿童版(Time for Kids,以下简称TFK)采访了本片的其中一位导演—皮埃尔·科芬。不说不知道,原来小黄人就是由他配音的!
  Though he had been working in children’s animation[动画片] for years, director Pierre Coffin accidentally ended up as the voice actor for all of the minions in Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and now, Minions. After helping create the iconic[象征意义的] look of the lovable henchmen[追随者] for Despicable Me, he recorded a sample of what the minions might sound like for the movie’s producer. To his surprise, he was immediately cast[选……扮演角色] in the part—which turned into more than 100 parts over time.
  Once the minions became so popular, Coffin and the other creators of the first two Despicable Me movies decided it was time to come up with a backstory[背景] for the beloved[心爱的] creatures. They created Minions to explain who and what these naughty little creatures are and where they come from.
  Minions is a prequel[前篇], set in a time before the minions became Gru’s henchmen. The story mostly takes place in 1968. It follows the three main characters, Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, in their quest for a new master after the minions accidentally killing off so many of their leaders.
  “These guys have always been around and they’ve always been searching for an evil[邪恶的] master,” Coffin told TFK.
  TFK: How did the minions as we know them come to be?
  Coffin: Originally[原先], the minions were drawn as these big muscular thugs[暴徒]. We couldn’t go that way because it was ugly. So we went to little guys in overalls[工装裤], like humans, but very small. Then, we had the idea that maybe they were subterranean[地下的] creatures, so that’s where the goggles[护目镜] came from, but we kept the overalls. They became these sort of frog-like characters. We realized those guys were pretty ugly, too, so the designer came up with their basic pillshape.
  Also, there were only a couple of scenes with the minions. When we saw the first animation test, I remember saying, “Oh man, these guys are awesome. They’re very expressive and funny. We’ve got to find more places for them in the movie.” Around then, Steve Carell (who plays Gru) came up with the idea of naming all of them.   TFK:我们现在认识的小黄人是怎样来的呢?
  TFK: What’s it like now that they’ve become so popular?
  Coffin: It is heartwarming[暖人心房的] to see how loved these guys are, but it’s also scary to see them as much as we do. They’re everywhere: on bags, phone cases, schoolbooks…It’s almost overwhelming[强悍而令人难以应对的].
  TFK: What language do the minions speak exactly? Is it just gibberish[胡言乱语]?
  Coffin: It’s a mix of Spanish, French, English, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian…The idea was to make these characters as international as possible. The main concept of the minion movie is to show that they served all of the evil masters around the world throughout time, so it would make sense that they have this mishmash[混杂物] of different languages embedded[使嵌入] in their own language.
  TFK: Do people often ask you to do the minions’voice?
  Coffin: I can’t really do it offhand[即时地]. Weirdly[古怪地] enough, I do write out the words that I’m going to say because when you speak this kind of foreign nonsensical[无意义的] language, you have to repeat it over and over so that it feels natural, like a real language. I write it down and basically record myself over and over until the moment that it feels natural, which isn’t the easiest thing to do with words that don’t mean anything.
  TFK: There are three main characters in Minions. How would you describe them?
  Coffin: The basic concept, the basics of a human character divided into three. Kevin is the conscience[良心], the big brother, and the hero in the most general sense. Stuart is the teenager who doesn’t want to do anything. He’s lazy, tired, and very sarcastic[讽刺的]. He’s very keen on doing the forbidden[禁止的] things. He has that teen aspect[方面] that makes him very charismatic[有魅力的]. Bob is the innocent[天真的] one. He’s the cutest and the heart of the three. He’s very funny.
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