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本文通过梳理2005年以来外国学者关于超本地新闻的研究,对其发展的背景、内容特征、理论等进行了系统概括,希望从中找到其发展研究的基本脉络。首先,传媒产业的衰落和新媒介技术的应用使得新闻媒介向着超本地化转向。其次,超本地新闻是公民新闻和社区新闻在web2.0时代的融合发展,也是传统媒体自救的新尝试。第三,专业记者或者大的媒介集团创办超本地新闻网站,聚焦于较小地理范围的新闻实践,利用公民记者的力量报道邻里间发生的事情,希望能够填补主流媒体报道的空白。超本地新闻网站还自觉承担着监督地方政府的责任,对提高地方民主、社区建设起到了积极的作用。公民记者参与超本地新闻的生产与制作,是信息传播与自我表达的满足。在超本地新闻网站上,普通公众上传新闻并公开参与讨论,形成了超本地化的“公共空间”。虽然超本地新闻在新闻的真实性、专业性等方面备受学者的诟病,但它和网络技术的紧密结合,新的运营模式都让很多学者看到了传媒产业发展的新曙光,他们欢呼超本地新闻是新兴新闻时代的到来,可以拯救已经没落的传媒产业。 This paper summarizes the foreign scholars’ research on hyper-local news since 2005, systematically summarizes the background, contents, features and theories of their development, and hopes to find out the basic context of their development research. First, the decline of the media industry and the application of new media technologies have enabled the media to shift toward hyper-localization. Second, super local news is the integration of citizen news and community news in the web2.0 era, as well as a new attempt of self-help of traditional media. Third, professional journalists or big media groups have created super-local news websites that focus on smaller geographical press practices, used the power of citizen reporters to report what happened between neighborhoods, and hoped to fill the gap in mainstream media coverage. Super local news websites also consciously assume the responsibility of supervising local governments and play an active role in improving local democracy and community building. Citizens’ participation in the production and production of local news is the satisfaction of information dissemination and self-expression. On top of local news websites, the general public uploaded news and participated openly in discussions, creating a hyper-localized “public space.” Although ultra-local news has been criticized by scholars for its authenticity and professionalism, its close integration with network technology and new operating modes have made many scholars see the new dawn of the development of the media industry. They hail super-local News is the arrival of a new news era, can save the media industry has been declining.
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