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音乐剧《妈妈咪呀!》中文版自去年7月份首演以来,迄今已在国内大中城市演出两百多场,票房收益仅去年下半年便达8,500万人民币,在今年的巡演模式上,创办方按照国际惯例推出按周卖演出的模式,接连签下百场订单,打破了国内项目巡演按场卖的老规矩,达到成本和收益比的最大化,在一定程度上实现音乐剧产品的产业化。近年来关于文化创意产业的话题持续很热,在全球经济浪潮的冲击下,不同国家的科技等其他产业日趋近同,但文化领域始终保有各自的特色,尤其是像中国这种文化积淀深厚的国度,有无数可待发展的文化资源。但不可否认的是,这些年来由于我国自身文化产业的发展缓慢,以及一些文化产业发达国家的文化入侵,本土文化在一定程度上受到影响和冲击,并且经常被其他国家“拿来”使用,比如电影《花木兰》、《功夫熊猫》等,虽属中国的经典素材,但经国外制作公司改编加工后,反过来赚 The Chinese version of the musical Mamma Mia has performed more than 200 games in domestic cities since its debut in July last year. The box office revenue reached 85 million yuan only in the second half of last year. In this year’s touring model, In accordance with international practice, the founder launched the weekly performance model and successively signed 100 orders, breaking the old rules of domestic project tours and selling to maximize the cost and profitability ratio, and to a certain extent realize the musical product Industrialization. In recent years, the topic of cultural and creative industries has continued to be very hot. Under the impact of the global economic tide, other industries such as science and technology in different countries have become more or less the same. However, the cultural field has always maintained its own unique characteristics. In particular, National, there are numerous cultural resources to be developed. However, it is undeniable that, due to the slow development of China’s own cultural industry and the cultural invasion of some developed countries in the cultural industry in recent years, the local culture has been affected and impacted to some extent and is often used by other countries , Such as the movie “Mulan”, “Kung Fu Panda”, although the classic material in China, but after the adaptation of foreign production company processing, in turn earned
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