
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzxldf2003
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本文目的是测量种植术中去骨可获得的骨量,以便外科医生能够预测是否需要额外的移植材料以充填缺损。 患者和方法 本组9名患者,7名女性,2名男性,平均年龄50.11岁。共植入24个种植体,其中上颌骨9个,下颌骨15个。种植体大小平均为4.02mm×12.90 mm。4名患者为拔牙5年内行种植牙,5名患者为拔牙5年后种植。本组患者身体健康均不需牙槽嵴增高。 在手术去骨时,将骨收集器与吸引器相连,吸引器头始终置于术野。术中以大量无菌盐水冲洗,术后以50 ml盐水冲洗吸引器管,将滤器中的骨组 The purpose of this article is to measure the amount of bone available for debridement during implant surgery so that the surgeon can predict if additional graft material is needed to fill the defect. Patients and Methods The group of 9 patients, 7 females, 2 males, mean age 50.11 years old. A total of 24 implants were implanted, including 9 maxillas and 15 mandibles. The average implant size was 4.02 mm × 12.90 mm. Four patients underwent dental implantations within five years of tooth extraction and five patients were planted five years after tooth extraction. This group of patients do not need to improve the health of alveolar ridge. When the bone is removed during operation, the bone collector is connected to the aspirator and the aspirator head is always placed in the operative field. Intraoperative lavage with a large number of sterile saline, after surgery with 50 ml saline flush suction tube, the filter bone group
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文章依据河套灌区排干沟排水系统现状,对总排干沟运行以来水盐监测资料进行分析,进而计算了水盐监测效益。 According to the status quo of Drainage Drainage System in H
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How China and the EU are helping each other to find - and save - the energy that will drive their economies. VORACIOUS consumption of energy and higher oil pric
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