
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdronglin
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第一汽车制造厂设备管理协会(简称“一汽设协”)协助配合企业贯彻《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》,开拓现代设备管理新模式,促进汽车生产发展,发挥了桥梁和纽带作用。 一、学习《条例》,不断提高全员的设备管理意识 1989年初,为了贯彻落实《条例》,一汽设协参与起草了《汽车工业企业设备管理办法》,修订了一汽设备管理工作标准,使设备管理与企业“产品创优、管理创奖”相结合,推动了汽车行业和一汽设备管理水平的不断提高。 1990年8月,国家计委、中汽总公司下发了《关于转发江泽民、李鹏等同志题词和叶青同志在第三届全国设备管理优秀单位表彰大会上的讲话的通知》,一汽设协组织全厂各级领导干部认真学习《通知》,掀起了贯彻《条例》的热潮。 1991年5月,一汽设协在全厂范围内开展了设备管理知识的普及和竞赛活动。在吉林省设备管理知识竞赛中,一汽荣获团体总分第一名、个人特等奖2名、一等奖1名;一名厂长代表吉林省参加了全国决赛。 二、贯彻《条例》,紧紧抓住厂长这个关键 一汽设协在贯彻《条例》、深化企业设备管理过程中,不断强化厂长的设备管理意识,为用好、管好、修好、改造好设备奠定了思想基础。各专业厂的厂长根据任期责任目标,提出了年度设备目标和工作方针,并逐层分解,逐级考核? The First Automobile Manufacturers Facility Management Association (abbreviated as “FAW Design Association”) assisted enterprises in implementing the “Regulations on the Management of Equipment for All-Urban Ownership-Owned Industrial Transportation Enterprises”, opened up new models for modern equipment management, and promoted the development of automobile production, playing the role of bridges and bonds. I. Studying the “Regulations” and Continuously Improving the Awareness of the Equipment Management of All Members In early 1989, in order to implement the “Regulations,” FAW Design Association participated in the drafting of the “Administrative Measures for the Equipment of Automotive Industry Enterprises” and revised the working standards for FAW equipment management to make the equipment The combination of management and the company’s “Product Excellence, Management Innovation Award” promoted continuous improvement of the automotive industry and FAW equipment management. In August 1990, the State Development Planning Commission and China National Automobile Corporation issued the “Circular on Forwarding Jiang Zemin, Li Peng’s Inscription, and Comrade Ye Qing’s Speech at the Third National Equipment Management Excellence Award Conference”. Organizations at all levels and leading cadres at all levels of the factory earnestly studied the “Notice” and set off an upsurge of implementing the “Regulations”. In May 1991, FAW-China Association launched equipment management knowledge popularization and competition activities throughout the plant. In the Equipment Management Knowledge Competition in Jilin Province, FAW won the first place in the group, the personal special prize 2, and the first prize; a factory manager represented Jilin Province in the national finals. 2. Implementing the “Regulations” and firmly grasping the position of the plant manager, the key FAW Design Association, in the course of implementing the “Regulations” and deepening the management of corporate equipment, continuously strengthens the plant manager’s awareness of equipment management in order to make good use of, manage, repair, and renovate. Good equipment laid the foundation for thinking. The director of each professional factory put forward the annual equipment goals and working guidelines according to the target period of responsibility, and break it down level by level, and assess it level by level.
一公司寻求制造电动机和台扇的滚珠轴承。该公司所需的产品系6000型系列并用高碳钢制成。月需求量10000套。该公司建于1980年,年销售额10000美元。UMAR AGRO-INDUSTRY公司寻
红色精神是我国当代文化的重要组成部分,它具有着鲜明的特征和性质。在当今时代下,红色精神依然发挥着它的作用。本文就红色精神在当今时代的作用及发展进行研究。 The red