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土坝上游庫水位降落时,如坝身材料渗流系数較小,或庫水位下降速度較大,則坝体內浸潤綫来不及跟随庫水位下降而降低,仍可能位于較高的位置,并将自上游坝坡处逸出,使土坡极易发生坍滑。故庫水位降落时,坝体內浸潤綫变化的研究系一重要問题。本文将討論均貭土坝坝体內不稳定渗流問題。 When the water level of the upstream dam of an earth dam descends, if the seepage coefficient of the dam body material is small or the water level of the reservoir drops more, the wetting line in the dam will not be able to decrease with the decrease of the reservoir water level, and may still be located at a higher position, The upstream dam slope escaped, so that prone to slippery slopes. Therefore, when the reservoir water level falls, the infiltration line changes in the dam body is an important issue. This article will discuss the problem of unsteady seepage in the earth dam.
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