
来源 :工业卫生与职业病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjz1107
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病历摘要 余××,男性,45岁,×铅厂冶炼工。住院号5236。由于四肢乏力、精神异常5年余;发音、吞咽困难伴饮水呛咳,口角流涎10余天,于1981年7月1日入院。 患者曾于1960、1971、1975年先后三次被诊断为慢性轻度铅中毒,1973年被诊断为铅吸收。1976年5月开始感到四肢乏力,性格渐变孤僻,少语,反应迟钝。约一月后,生活不能自理,大小便失禁,时而啼笑,但无狂躁、妄想等症状。经按抑郁型精神病治疗无效,乃转至省精神病医院,诊断为 Medical record summary Yu XX, male, 45 years old, × Lead factory smelter. Hospital number 5236. Due to weakness in the limbs, mental disorders more than 5 years; pronunciation, difficulty swallowing with drinking water cough, mouth drooling more than 10 days, on July 1, 1981 admission. The patient was diagnosed with chronic mild lead poisoning three times in 1960, 1971, and 1975, and was diagnosed with lead absorption in 1973. May 1976 began to feel weak limbs, withdrawing personality, speechless, unresponsive. About a month later, life can not take care of itself, incontinence, sometimes ridiculed, but no mania, delusions and other symptoms. After treatment by depression-based mental illness is invalid, is transferred to the provincial mental hospital, diagnosed as
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