The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Chinese Auto Industry

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHANGLIAO2009
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3.5 Foreign investors madding about assembling cars while localization of cars neglected. What the most foreign partners are mad about in China is to assemble cars with CKD parts to seek money. Few of them care about the localization, especially when their Chinese partners are not strong enough. 3.6 Controlling on Development of Product Although the Chinese sides are holding the stock shares in most joint ventures, the foreign partners often hold back the development of new products by means of intellectual property rights. When developing new products, the foreign investors are likely to transfer the dated 3.5 the foreign investors madding about assembling cars while localization of cars neglected. What the most foreign partners are mad about in China is to assemble cars with CKD parts to seek money. Few of them care about the localization, especially when their Chinese partners are not strong enough. 3.6 Controlling on Development of Product Although the Chinese sides are holding the stock shares in most joint ventures, the foreign partners often hold back the development of new products by means of intellectual property rights. to transfer the dated
他叫周卡,他是一个二十五岁,普普通通的青年,只是很不幸,他身患重病——尿毒症。很多时候,我们都是在时间不多的时候,才发现自己还有很多事情没有做完,比如周卡,他想去看看那个曾经他非常爱的女孩。  我是在大学的时候遇见她的,在学校图书馆里。周卡轻轻地说。在此之前,周卡是不喜欢泡图书馆的,但是从那天开始,图书馆突然变得非常有意思了。  图书馆的一切都变得可爱了。  女孩总是在周卡在图书馆的时候,出现在固
千里之行,始于足下。人类文明的发展和进步是与人类交通的发展分不开的,在这里就用一张张小小的电话卡来述说人类交通的昨天、今天和明天: 1)沙漠里最好的交通工具——骆驼,