
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vierilv
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目的对2015年新疆乌鲁木齐市天山区65岁及以上老年人进行肺结核病筛查,提高老年肺结核病患者的发现水平,有效控制结核病疫情。方法对辖区内社区服务中心(站)管理的65岁及以上老年人全部进行肺结核病症状问卷筛查,有可疑症状者转至体检定点门诊再行拍片和查痰检查;发现的肺结核病患者转至结核病定点门诊接受国家免费治疗与管理。结果 2015年辖区内常驻65岁及以上老人45 275人,其中本次接受问卷筛查15 631人,筛查率34.52%;问卷筛查查出可疑症状者3 632人、占23.24%,可疑症状者转诊至定点体检门诊接受结核病相关检查1 984人、转诊到位率54.63%,到位人员中女性占58.62%,受检者中年龄最小65岁、最大93岁,平均71.79岁;通过拍片和查痰发现肺结核病患者23人、检出率1.16%,检出肺结核病患者中,痰菌阳性4人(男性1人、女性3人)、阴性19人。结论老年肺结核病有其自身的发病特点,应引起高度重视;加强老年肺结核病的早发现、早诊断、早治疗将成为乌鲁木齐市天山区结核病控制中不容忽视的重要环节。 Objective To screen TB patients aged 65 years and over in Tianshan District, Urumqi, Xinjiang in 2015, so as to improve the level of detection in elderly patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and effectively control the outbreak of tuberculosis. Methods A total of 65 elderly people aged 65 and above managed by community service centers (stations) within the jurisdiction were all screened for symptoms of tuberculosis. Patients with suspicious symptoms were referred to the outpatient clinics for physical examination and sputum examination. The patients with tuberculosis To designated TB clinics receive free treatment and management of the country. Results In 2015, a total number of 45 275 elderly persons aged 65 and above were resident in the area, of which 15 631 were screened and 34.52% were screened; 3 632 suspicious persons were found through questionnaire screening, accounting for 23.24% Symptoms were referred to designated medical clinics 1 984 tuberculosis-related examination, the referral rate was 54.63%, 58.62% of women in place, the youngest 65 years of subjects, the maximum age of 93, an average of 71.79 years; by filming And found sputum sputum 23 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the detection rate was 1.16%, out of tuberculosis patients, sputum positive 4 (male 1, female 3), negative 19. Conclusion Elderly pulmonary tuberculosis has its own characteristics of the disease should be attached great importance; to strengthen the early detection of tuberculosis in the elderly, early diagnosis and early treatment will be Tianshan District of Urumqi, tuberculosis control can not be ignored an important part.
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